Afternoon, Evening, Morning to all, We have an action-packed recap today: More riak + js codez, an updated Go client, new wiki pages, blog posts, great IRC convos, and much more.
Enjoy! Mark Community Manager Basho Technologies ----- Riak Recap for 7/26 - 7/27 1) More from the Riak + JavaScript world... Visionmedia added Riak support to his "Keys" project, which is a unified interface for node.js and various key/value stores. Github repo here ---> 2) Lateef Jackson updated "Goriak," his Riak client for Google's "Go," to work with Riak's REST API. Go check it out... Thanks, Lateef! Google Code repo here ---> 3) Those of you who meticulously monitor the Riak Wiki may have noticed that we added a few new pages as of late. Here are some standouts. We added a page all about Command Line Tools ---> We also added a section called "Community Processes" which covers code contributions and wiki contributions. Located here ---> 4) Sean Cribbs and Dan Reverri put together a lengthy and informative blog post as a follow up to the MapReduce webinar from last week. If you asked a question but there wasn't time to answer it, it's mostly-likely covered in this post. Link here ---> 5) Looks like the Fast Track swag is starting to make its way across the pond. There has been a sighting in France! (h/t to @cstar for posting this!) Pic here ---> 6) Justin Pease (@jpease) put together a great post on his blog about using Rails 3, Riak, and Ripple. Post here ---> 7) @jebui made it know that Riak is now powering Tweet here ---> Care to share anymore details on how you're using Riak and what is all about, Jebu? 8) justinsheehy, guestuser, seancribbs, and benchmark had a convo in #riak that started with " I was wondering how easy it is to shift the infrastructure from cluster to another cluster if bitcask is the storage engine with riak." Gist here ---> 9) There was a brief but worthwhile chat in #riak that started with, "anyone ever put a reverse proxy in front of riak? " Gist here ---> 10 ) Q --- Is there a way to put with an undefined key via protobuffs and have it create a key for you like the rest interface does? (from @bradfordw via Twitter) A --- Not currently, but we plan to implement that soon. Keep an eye on this if you're interested ---> 11) For anyone in the Bay Area planning to come to the Riak Meetup in San Francisco on 8/9, we finalized the location and time. Details are here ---> 12) For those of you who used LinkedIn, a Riak Group has been started. Join us! Check it out here (you will need to log in )---> _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list