Several of us have run basho_bench on 64bit Linux including Debian and Ubuntu. 
It looks like the Erlang being used is from your home directory 
(/home/mcolussi/gateway/cirrus/sdk/cirrus-sdk-linux/lib/erlang), what version 
of Erlang is this? Have you tried to compile basho_bench with a compiled 
version of R13B04?

Grant Schofield
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Jul 23, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Michael Colussi wrote:

> Has anyone tried compiling basho bench on 64 bit linux?  Debian in particular?
> I get this error when I run make:
> ./rebar get-deps
> ==> protobuffs (get-deps)
> ==> riakc (get-deps)
> ==> casbench (get-deps)
> ==> ibrowse (get-deps)
> ==> stats (get-deps)
> ==> basho_bench (get-deps)
> ./rebar compile test escriptize
> ==> protobuffs (compile)
> ==> protobuffs (test)
> ==> protobuffs (escriptize)
> ==> riakc (compile)
> ==> riakc (test)
> ==> riakc (escriptize)
> ==> casbench (compile)
> ==> casbench (test)
> ==> casbench (escriptize)
> ==> ibrowse (compile)
> /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible 
> /home/mcolussi/gateway/cirrus/sdk/cirrus-sdk-linux/lib/erlang/lib/erl_interface-3.6.5/lib/liberl_interface.a
>  when searching for -lerl_interface
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lerl_interface
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> ERROR: $CC c_src/ibrowse_drv.o $LDFLAGS $DRV_LDFLAGS -o priv/ 
> failed with error: 1
> make: *** [all] Error 1'
> I have a 32 bit build of erlang and riak.  Is there a way to specify basho 
> bench to build 32 bit as well?
> Thanks,
> Mike
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