Just a thought (and probably wrong) but couldn't you create an index
key inside your bucket and depending on the language append a list of
the key name sans index_key and just query that. It would do the
double write and you could verify that the new key is inserted.

Again probably bad but it's at least $0.02.

Christopher Villalobos

On Jul 20, 2010, at 6:00 PM, <riak-users-requ...@lists.basho.com> wrote:

> Send riak-users mailing list submissions to
>    riak-users@lists.basho.com
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>    http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>    riak-users-requ...@lists.basho.com
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>    riak-users-ow...@lists.basho.com
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of riak-users digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Expected vs Actual Bucket Behavior (Justin Sheehy)
>   2. [ANN] Basho Riak 0.12.0 (Rusty Klophaus)
>   3. Re: Expected vs Actual Bucket Behavior (Eric Filson)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 15:02:55 -0400
> From: Justin Sheehy <jus...@basho.com>
> To: Eric Filson <efil...@gmail.com>
> Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
> Subject: Re: Expected vs Actual Bucket Behavior
> Message-ID:
>    <aanlktilucsalrkdxxormbowzsyaxf55itafsway22...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi, Eric!  Thanks for your thoughts.
> On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 12:39 PM, Eric Filson <efil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I would think that this requirement,
>> retrieving all objects in a bucket, to be a _very_ common
>> place?occurrence?for modern web development and perhaps (depending on
>> requirements) _the_ most common function aside from retrieving a single k/v
>> pair.
> I tend to see people that mostly try to write applications that don't
> select everything from a whole bucket/table/whatever as a very
> frequent occurrence, but different people have different requirements.
> Certainly, it is sometimes unavoidable.
>> In my mind, this seems to leave the only advantage to buckets in this
>> application to be namespacing... While certainly important, I'm fuzzy on
>> what the downside would be to allowing buckets to exist as a separate
>> partition/pseudo-table/etc... so that?retrieving?all objects in a bucket
>> would not need to read all objects in the entire system
> The namespacing aspect is a huge advantage for many people.  Besides
> the obvious way in which that allows people to avoid collisions, it is
> a powerful tool for data modeling.  For example, sets of 1-to-1
> relationships can be very nicely represented as something like
> "bucket1/keyA, bucket2/keyA, bucket3/keyA", which allows related items
> to be fetched without any intermediate queries at all.
> One of the things that many users have become happily used to is that
> buckets in Riak are generally "free"; they come into existence on
> demand, and you can use as many of them as you want in the above or
> any other fashion.  This is in essence what conflicts with your
> desire.  Making buckets more fundamentally isolated from each other
> would be difficult without incurring some incremental cost per bucket.
>> I might recommend a hybrid
>> solution (based in my limited knowledge of Riak)... What about allowing a
>> bucket property named something like "key_index" that points to a key
>> containing a value of "keys in bucket". ?Then, when calling GET
>> /riak/bucket, Riak would use the key_index to immediately reduce its result
>> set before applying m/r funcs. ?While I understand this is essentially what
>> a developer would do, it would certainly alleviate some code requirements
>> (application side) as well as make the behavior of retrieving a bucket's
>> contents more "expected" and efficient.
> A much earlier incarnation of Riak actually stored bucket keylists
> explicitly in a fashion somewhat like what you describe.  We removed
> this as one of our biggest goals is predictable and understandable
> behavior in a distributed systems sense, and a model like this one
> turns each write operation into at least two operations.  This isn't
> just a performance issue, but also adds complexity.  For instance, it
> is not immediately obvious what should be returned to the client if a
> data item write succeeds, but the read/write of the index fails?
> Most people using distributed data systems (including but not limited
> to Riak) do explicit data modeling, using things like key identity as
> above, or objects that contain links to each other (Riak has great
> support for this) or other data modeling means to plan out their
> expected queries in advance.
>> Anyway, information is pretty limited on riak right now, seeing as how it's
>> so new, but talk in my development circles is very positive and lively.
> Please do let us know any aspects of information on Riak that you
> think are missing.  We think that between the wiki, the web site, and
> various other materials, the information is pretty good.  Riak's been
> open source for about a year, and in use longer than that; while there
> are many things much older than Riak, we don't see relative youth as a
> reason not to do things right.
> Thanks again for your thoughts, and I hope that this helps with your
> understanding.
> -Justin
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 15:05:56 -0400
> From: Rusty Klophaus <ru...@basho.com>
> To: riak-users <riak-users@lists.basho.com>
> Subject: [ANN] Basho Riak 0.12.0
> Message-ID:
>    <aanlktikhtiyhqvgnglj94yahkw79mqi1adkjjdoml...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hello, Riak users.  We are excited to announce the release of Riak version 
> 0.12!
> Pre-built installations and source tarballs are available at:
> http://downloads.basho.com/
> Release notes are at (also copied below):
> http://downloads.basho.com/riak/riak-0.12/riak-0.12.0.txt
> Cheers,
> The Basho Riak Team
> -------------------------
> Riak 0.12.0 Release Notes
> -------------------------
> Riak now uses a new and improved mechanism for determining whether a
> node is fully online and ready to participate in Riak operations. This
> is especially important in failure recovery situations, as it allows
> the storage backend to complete a full integrity check and repair
> process. (134)
> Applications can now use the keywords "one", "quorum" (or "default"),
> and "all" in place of number values to set R, W, and DW quorum settings.
> This allows developers to specify intended consistency levels more
> clearly. (211, 276, 277, 322)
> The multi backend has been fixed so bitcask can be used with the
> other backends (274). If innostore is installed it must be upgraded to 1.0.1
> if it will be used with the multi backend.
> Enhancements
> ------------
> 82  - HTTP API now returns 400 when quorum parameters exceed N-val.
> 83  - Default quorum parameters are now configurable in HTTP and Protobuf 
> APIs.
> 97  - Riak now calls a BackendModule:stop/1 function, allowing cleanup
> during shutdown.
> 190 - HTTP API now returns 503 when Riak operation times out.
> 192 - HTTP API no longer list keys on a bucket by default.
> 283 - HTTP API now returns 404 when an object is missing, regardless
> of accept header. (202)
> 216 - The "/stats" page now includes read-repair stats.
> 219 - A node now verifies that the ring_creation_size matches before
> joining a cluster.
> 230 - Upgrade to latest version of Mochiweb.
> 237 - Added a 'mapByFields' built-in Map/Reduce function.
> 246 - Improved error reporting in post-commit hooks.
> 251 - More descriptive error message on malformed link walking operations.
> 256 - The /stats endpoint now shows Riak version number.
> 259 - Improve python client packaging. Publish on PyPI.
> 267 - Updated bucket defaults to improve replica distribution across
> physical nodes.
> 274 - Improvements to storage backend interface layer.
> 365 - Use updated "rebar eunit" task for running tests.
> Bugs Fixed
> ----------
> 26  - The 'devrel' target now builds on CentOS.
> 27  - Fixed 'riak-admin' problem on some architectures, including Solaris.
> 138 - Fixed platform specific problems in Riak 'init.d' script.
> 205 - Fixed Bitcask errors on 32-bit Erlang. (331, 344)
> 229 - Fixed 'riak stop' error on Mac OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.3.
> 240 - Python client now properly escapes "/" in Buckets and Keys.
> 253 - Correctly pass missing object (not_found) results between
> Map/Reduce phases.
> 274 - Correctly forward 'info' messages from multi_backend to child backends.
> 278 - Make Riak backup work correctly in all cases when objects are
> deleted while backup is in progress.
> 280 - Fixed corner cases causing timestamp collision in Bitcask.
> 281 - Fixed premature tombstone collection in Bitcask.
> 301 - Fixed chunked mapreduce results to use correct line breaks (\r\n).
> 305 - Fixed possible race condition between get and Bitcask merge.
> 382 - Update Map/Reduce to honor timeout setting.
> 361 - Cleaned up Dialyzer warnings. (373, 374, 376, 381, 389)
> 382 - Update Map/Reduce to honor timeout setting.
> 402 - Make Bitcask data and hint files more resistant to corruption.
> Riak has been updated with the necessary changes to compile
> on Erlang R14A, but has not been thoroughly tested on R14A.
> Please continue to run Riak on R13B04 in production. (263, 264, 269)
> All bug and issue numbers reference https://issues.basho.com.
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: 
> <http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/attachments/20100720/728190c5/attachment-0001.html>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 18:00:14 -0400
> From: Eric Filson <efil...@gmail.com>
> To: Justin Sheehy <jus...@basho.com>
> Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
> Subject: Re: Expected vs Actual Bucket Behavior
> Message-ID:
>    <aanlktikyoknkptl4ccflkkdros8j3w4_kggbab0tb...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Justin Sheehy <jus...@basho.com> wrote:
>> Hi, Eric!  Thanks for your thoughts.
>> On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 12:39 PM, Eric Filson <efil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I would think that this requirement,
>>> retrieving all objects in a bucket, to be a _very_ common
>>> place occurrence for modern web development and perhaps (depending on
>>> requirements) _the_ most common function aside from retrieving a single
>> k/v
>>> pair.
>> I tend to see people that mostly try to write applications that don't
>> select everything from a whole bucket/table/whatever as a very
>> frequent occurrence, but different people have different requirements.
>> Certainly, it is sometimes unavoidable.
> Indeed, in my case it is :(
>>> In my mind, this seems to leave the only advantage to buckets in this
>>> application to be namespacing... While certainly important, I'm fuzzy on
>>> what the downside would be to allowing buckets to exist as a separate
>>> partition/pseudo-table/etc... so that retrieving all objects in a bucket
>>> would not need to read all objects in the entire system
>> The namespacing aspect is a huge advantage for many people.  Besides
>> the obvious way in which that allows people to avoid collisions, it is
>> a powerful tool for data modeling.  For example, sets of 1-to-1
>> relationships can be very nicely represented as something like
>> "bucket1/keyA, bucket2/keyA, bucket3/keyA", which allows related items
>> to be fetched without any intermediate queries at all.
> I agree however, the same thing can be accomplished by prefixing your keys
> with a "namespace"...
> bucket_1_keyA, bucket_2_keyA, bucket_3_keyA
> Obviously, buckets in Riak have additional functionality and allow for some
> more complex but easier to use m/r functions across multiple buckets,
> etc...
>> One of the things that many users have become happily used to is that
>> buckets in Riak are generally "free"; they come into existence on
>> demand, and you can use as many of them as you want in the above or
>> any other fashion.  This is in essence what conflicts with your
>> desire.  Making buckets more fundamentally isolated from each other
>> would be difficult without incurring some incremental cost per bucket.
> For me, I am more than willing to add a small amount of overhead to the
> storage engine for increased functionality and reduced overhead on the
> application layer.  Again this is obviously application specific and I'm not
> saying it should all be converted over for all buckets exiting in their own
> space for every implementation but certainly a different storage engine or
> configuration option to allow this level/type of access would be nice :)
>>> I might recommend a hybrid
>>> solution (based in my limited knowledge of Riak)... What about allowing a
>>> bucket property named something like "key_index" that points to a key
>>> containing a value of "keys in bucket".  Then, when calling GET
>>> /riak/bucket, Riak would use the key_index to immediately reduce its
>> result
>>> set before applying m/r funcs.  While I understand this is essentially
>> what
>>> a developer would do, it would certainly alleviate some code requirements
>>> (application side) as well as make the behavior of retrieving a bucket's
>>> contents more "expected" and efficient.
>> A much earlier incarnation of Riak actually stored bucket keylists
>> explicitly in a fashion somewhat like what you describe.  We removed
>> this as one of our biggest goals is predictable and understandable
>> behavior in a distributed systems sense, and a model like this one
>> turns each write operation into at least two operations.  This isn't
>> just a performance issue, but also adds complexity.  For instance, it
>> is not immediately obvious what should be returned to the client if a
>> data item write succeeds, but the read/write of the index fails?
> Haha, these are the exact reasons I would cite as a developer for using a
> similar method on Riak's side... without the option of auto bucket indexing
> it effectively places this double write into the application side where it
> requires more cycles and more data across the wire.  Instead of doing a
> single write, from the application side, and allowing Riak to handle this,
> you have to GET index_key, UPDATE index_key, ADD new_key... So rather than
> having a single transaction with Riak, you have to have three transactions
> with Riak + Application functionality.  Inherently, this adds another level
> of complexity into the application code base for something that could be
> done more efficiently by the DB engine itself.
> I would think a separate error number and message would suffice as a return
> error, obviously though, this would require developers being made aware so
> they can code for the exception.
> Also, this would be optional, if the index_key wasn't set for the bucket
> then this setup wouldn't be used.  This would at least make the system more
> flexible to the application requirements and developer preferences.
>> Most people using distributed data systems (including but not limited
>> to Riak) do explicit data modeling, using things like key identity as
>> above, or objects that contain links to each other (Riak has great
>> support for this) or other data modeling means to plan out their
>> expected queries in advance.
>>> Anyway, information is pretty limited on riak right now, seeing as how
>> it's
>>> so new, but talk in my development circles is very positive and lively.
>> Please do let us know any aspects of information on Riak that you
>> think are missing.  We think that between the wiki, the web site, and
>> various other materials, the information is pretty good.  Riak's been
>> open source for about a year, and in use longer than that; while there
>> are many things much older than Riak, we don't see relative youth as a
>> reason not to do things right.
>> Thanks again for your thoughts, and I hope that this helps with your
>> understanding.
> Some very valuable information, for me, would be seeing a breakdown of how
> Riak scales out...
> Something like showing how many keys in how many buckets takes how long with
> how many nodes... (extended by, now with 2 more machines, now with more
> complex m/r funcs, now with twice as many keys, etc...) I know this largely
> depends on whatever map/reduce functions are being run however even a simple
> example would be nice to see.  As it is I have no idea how many queries per
> second of what type I can run with how many active nodes?  Again, I realize
> this is something that needs to be benchmarked for any sort of accuracy but
> I'm speaking more of targeting developers, like myself, who are looking into
> this as a newer technology that may work for them.  It is a very large
> commitment of time and resources to design and implement something then
> benchmark it in order to obtain the "if it will work for this application
> efficiently" answer. Having some baseline stats from which to start may
> prompt more developers to explore Riak as a storage solution.
> And one more thanks for hearing me out and your feedback.  I'd also like to
> reiterate that I'm coming from a limited nosql background... however I feel
> that's the case with the majority of developers out there today.  My
> recommendations for options are based on the real world application design
> challenges I've personally been presented with over my career and that I
> feel may be common to many other developers as well.  Obviously, even adding
> a single option such that I've mentioned is a massive undertaking on Basho's
> part but they are definitely pieces of functionality that would make me say,
> "done, Riak it is".  Rather than... is there something else which would
> better suit my needs... and when vying for adoption rate that's a major
> factor :)
> -------------- next part --------------
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> End of riak-users Digest, Vol 12, Issue 24
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