Morning, Afternoon, Evening to all, Hope everyone had a great weekend. This Recap comes to you live from Portland, OR. I'm still looking to connect with people who are at OSCON, so if you're in town, let me know.
Enjoy, Mark Community Manager Basho Technologies ---- Riak Recap for 7/16 -7/18 1) Robert O'brien gave a presentation on Riak over the weekend at Bar Camp Auckland. Though there are no slides available (as far as I know), the internet does indicate that the talk went well. 2) ronr_, drev1, and justinsheey had a brief conv about if Riak could be configured to use different physical hard drives and which backend would give the most throughput Gist here ---> 3) Q --- I am writing a front end for riak in node. Now I want to be able to filter records, what would be the most fast: filtering by adding javascript functions to riak or by just requesting every record and do the filtering in my node frontend? (from mauritslamers via #riak) A --- Go with the first option and MapReduce to a known set of bucket and keys. The latter option would involved listing keys, and you want to avoid that when possible. 4) Q --- Has Riak the same problems like mongo? When an node crash the database must repair ? Because at the moment i have only 3 nodes on one server. (from boonkerz via #riak) A --- No. If a server goes down data will be passed to fallback nodes (hinted handoff); when the node comes back online the hinted data will be passed to the node 5) Q --- How can I clear riak db and clean out all the buckets? (from psquil) A --- Two options: Stop riak and -rm the files in the backend data directory, or iterate over the keys and issue deletes. 6) Q --- I come from couchdb world and want to give Riak a try. I was wondering if the map reduce jobs where stored or just 'posted' live to return values ? (from coulix_greg via #riak) A --- All Riak Map/Reduce queries are "live", there are no indexes built like in Couch's "view" system. 7) Q --- Are there any limitations on what keys can be? (from makmanalp via #riak) A --- Some backends limit key length (innostore comes to mind), but in general just make sure they are accessible via your preferred interface, e.g. HTTP keys need to be URL-escaped. 8) On a very meta note, I wrote a blog post about the Riak Recap over on my blog. Post here ---> _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list