Hey Riak users,

I often get asked how you can test the functions you feed into your MapReduce 
jobs.  Up until last week, I hadn't truly felt the pain of being unable to test 
my map and reduce functions, when I tried to add click-tracking and statistics 
aggregation to my riak-url-shortener.

Thanks to help from Larry Karnowski (@karnowski), I dove into building a test 
harness today. I initially tried Jasmine, which has a very nice in-browser 
mode, but it assumed too much about having the BOM available.  I ended up 
trying out a port of QuickCheck to Javascript 
(http://bitbucket.org/darrint/qc.js/) and so far I like the results.  The 
declarative, functional orientation of QC is a good fit for testing your map 
and reduce functions, especially since they run in relative isolation.

Without further ado, here's my first pass at the harness:

http://bitbucket.org/seancribbs/riak-qc.js (may go away)

You'll need a standalone version of Spidermonkey (1.8rc1 or later) to run your 
tests. Once you have SM installed and the project cloned, try "js 
builtins_qc.js" from the terminal.

Caveat emptor -- this is only one day's work! Nevertheless, try it out and give 
me feedback or send pull-requests.  

Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

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