On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 7:01 AM, Mark Phillips <m...@basho.com> wrote:
> 6) argv0 and johne had a long and content-packed conversation about
> Bitcask, Innostore and file limits. This one is not to be missd.
> Check it out here ---> http://gist.github.com/438065

This talks about how all keys and some metadata are kept in memory.

I'm sure it's probably already been considered, but just in case...
bloom filters could be an alternative to the requirement of keeping
*all* the keys in memory. I don't know if this would necessarily fit
with the usage of this in-memory key/metadata data structure though.

Joel Pitt, PhD | http://ferrouswheel.me | +64 21 101 7308
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