Hello, Riak users. We are excited to announce the release of Riak version 0.11.

Pre-built installations and source tarballs are available at: http://downloads.basho.com/

Release notes are at (also copied below): http://downloads.basho.com/riak/riak-0.11/riak-0.11.0.txt

IMPORTANT: If you are upgrading an existing Riak cluster, please read the transition document at http://bitbucket.org/basho/riak/src/4235ceeb8d6/TRANSITION

The Basho Riak Team

Riak 0.11.0 Release Notes

Bitcask has arrived as the new default backend for Riak.  Bitcask is Basho's
new key/value store that should provide good balanced performance out
of the box on most systems.  Read more about it from the initial
announcement here http://blog.basho.com/2010/04/27/hello,-bitcask/

Users that wish to upgrade from another backend will need to backup their
cluster (using riak-admin) before changing the backend in app.config, restart
riak and restore from the backup into bitcask.

The protocol buffers client (PBC) interface has been enhanced to
add map/reduce support and access to simple bucket properties.  The
erlang and python clients have been updated accordingly.

Put operations using the local erlang client that request a returnbody
have received a performance enhancement.  Internally the put operation
now returns the body directly, so an additional get is no longer
required.  The PBC and HTTP interfaces have been updated to use
this new mechanism.

 58 - provide default content-type of application/octet-stream if none
        present in the object.
 74 - create ring directory if non-existant
142 - riak-admin leave restored

Bugs Fixed
35 - {error, blah} messages are now passed on to javascript map/reduce jobs
104 - missing bucket/key into map/reduce job crashed it. Fixed.
193 - list keys sometimes uses downed nodes. Fixed.
208 - deleting a key with a post-commit hook set crashed riak. Fixed.

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