You're totally right. I was confused... so then this is not a bug.

Btw - in my riak-js code I have:

Riak.prototype.makeLinks = function(links) {
  var i = this.defaults.interface;
  return {
    link.tag = link.tag || "_";
    return '</' + i + '/' + link.bucket + '/' + link.key + '>;
riaktag="' + link.tag + '"';
  }).join(", ");

>From a Riak point of view, do you think it would be better to remove
the "     link.tag = link.tag || "_"; " bit, and let it explode if the
user doesn't provide a tag?


2010/6/8 Sean Cribbs <>:
> Creating tags and using the wildcard when doing a link-walking query are two 
> different operations.  There is no default tag.
> Sean Cribbs <>
> Developer Advocate
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> On Jun 8, 2010, at 4:58 PM, francisco treacy wrote:
>> IIRC Riak requires a tag and otherwise client libraries just provide
>> "_" (right?)
>> So probably @robject.to_link should return a "_" in the tag field by
>> default - instead of nil.
>> I'm sorry i have 0 time to provide a patch :(
>> Francisco
>> 2010/6/8 Sean Cribbs <>:
>>> Francisco,
>>> Thanks for that, I'll either make it be required or raise an exception.  
>>> The Ruby API should better guide you down the golden path - tags are 
>>> required on the Riak side, so they should on the Ruby side.
>>> Sean Cribbs <>
>>> Developer Advocate
>>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
>>> On Jun 8, 2010, at 4:48 PM, francisco treacy wrote:
>>>> The following code yields an exception
>>>> item = client['items']['item']
>>>> catalog = client['catalogs']['test']
>>>> link = item.to_link
>>>> catalog.links << link
>>>> (...)
>>>> /Users/ftreacy/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/riak-client-0.7.0/lib/riak/client/curb_backend.rb:63:in
>>>> `perform': Expected [200, 204, 300] from Riak but received 400.
>>>> Invalid Link header. Links must be of the form (Riak::FailedRequest)
>>>> </riak/BUCKET/KEY>; riaktag="TAG"
>>>>       from 
>>>> /Users/ftreacy/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/riak-client-0.7.0/lib/riak/client/http_backend.rb:92:in
>>>> `put'
>>>>       from 
>>>> /Users/ftreacy/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/riak-client-0.7.0/lib/riak/robject.rb:122:in
>>>> `store'
>>>> This is because a 'tag' is not set, but tags shouldn't be required.
>>>> (Consider setting link.tag = "something" before line 4, and it will
>>>> work correctly).
>>>> Francisco
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