Afternoon, Evening, and Morning to all, Another great recap for today: Some additions to Fast Track and Best Practices section on Riak wiki, slides and blog posts, an update Perl client, and much, much more.
***Before we get started... Anyone out there fancy themselves a Graphic Artist/Designer? I have a small (and unpaid) Riak-related project that Basho needs help with. Want to put your mark on the Riak and greater nosql community? Get in touch for details.*** Now, onto the Recap. Enjoy - Mark Community Manager Basho Technologies ----- Riak Recap for 6/7 1) @seancribbs added some .json files to the MapReduce page on the Fast Track. You can download these and run them exactly as seen in the MapReduce Screencast. Go test them out here ---> 2) @rklophaus posted a thorough and generally-awesome overview of Day One at the Berlin Buzzwords Conference. Check it out for details on his two Riak-related talks and the rundown of the other great stuff being discussed yesterday. Read here ---> 3) @roidrage, ever the consummate NoSQL professional, gave a great overview of the space yesterday at Berlin Buzzwords. He has a lot of slides, but they are all worth it. Check them out here ---> 4) For anyone at Railsconf right now, get in touch with @seancribbs! He has T shirts and is apparently building Riak clusters out of people... 5) We added a page to the Riak Wiki called Hosting and Configuration Tuning under the "Best Practices" Section. Check it out here ---> 6) @bjnortier just let it leak that is approaching 2.0. and is now based on Nitrogen and Riak. Tweet here ---> Actual Project here ---> Info on Nitrogen Project here ---> 7) For those of you Perl hackers out there, it looks like Frank Cuny has been doing some work on the Anyevent-Riak Adapter. Check out the latest changes here ---> 8) For all of our Japanese hackers, a post called "Cassandra vs. Riak" came across the twitters yesterday. Check it out here ---> _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list