I have a similar problem to an earlier mailing list post :

I tried following
riak/client_lib/riak-erlang-client/docs/pb-client.txt  plus the
suggestions in that post all to no avail.

But, here is in detail what I attempted:

>  erl -pa  $PATHTORIAKC/ebin

I naturally replaced PATHTORIAKC  :

It seems to work but then I get 'non_existing' when I tried to enter

>  code:which(riak_pb_client).

I then tried the suggested alternative installation

>  cd riak-erlang-client

>  ./rebar install

I get the following error message:

Error:  One or more modules listed in riackc.app are not present in ebin/*.beam

I then tried the following which was suggested in the previous mailing
post about installation errors:

> make clean && make all

Then I try again

>  ./rebar install

which works this time

But when I try again

> code:which(riak_pb_client).

I get

>  non_existing

I then tried as suggested in the previous mailing list post about the error

>  erl -pa ebin/ deps/*/ebin

But still get the non_existing error

help... :(

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