Hi Jason/Sean,

I'll chime in on this one. Embedded Inno uses exactly the same transactional logging as it does under MySQL so it should recover in the same way without needing any user intervention. The tools Sean mentioned can be used in dire circumstances (e.g. log files got overrun or double buffering was disabled on a filesystem that doesn't ensure atomic writes).


On 5/27/10 5:42 AM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
Yes, you can use low-level commands to recover lost data from the binlogs.  
It's embedded InnoDB, not MySQL's driver, so not everything is exactly the 
same, but the technique is similar.

Sean Cribbs<s...@basho.com>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On May 26, 2010, at 11:42 PM, Jason J. W. Williams wrote:

That's terrific. We're very familiar with InnoDBs buffer pool and
that's exactly the kind of control we're looking for. With the
InnoStore backend is the crash recovery/durability similar to InnoDB
under MySQL?


On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 8:13 PM, Sean Cribbs<s...@basho.com>  wrote:
Riak's usage of memory primarily depends on the backend you choose.  Innostore, 
for example, has a configurable buffer pool (cache) which can help you limit 
the memory footprint.  Bitcask, our most recently released backend, keeps only 
a hash mapping keys to file/offset in memory (with the value only on disk), so 
you could store thousands of keys per node without noticing much.

Outside of the backend, Riak generally only needs enough RAM to have copies of 
objects in transit -- either being written or read.  If you see it using too 
much RAM, there are some flags to the Erlang VM that can be tweaked.

Sean Cribbs<s...@basho.com>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On May 26, 2010, at 6:23 PM, Jason J. W. Williams wrote:


We have a couple of projects we want to start small and to this point
we've been considering MongoDB or Cassandra. Mongo's main drawback for
us is it's extensive use of mmap, which can make it a bad neighbor
vis-a-vis RAM usage if it has to co-exist with other parts of our
stack. Cassandra's has it's own drawbacks for our use cases.

Riak looks very interesting, but we're curious about it's memory
profile. That is what drives memory consumption in Riak, is it
possible to limit the memory consumption, and how does Riak behave
when memory exhaustion occurs?


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