On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Senthilkumar Peelikkampatti <
senthilkumar.peelikkampa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>       It has been while Basho announced about Riak Search (I guess it is
> almost an year back, if I remember correctly), do you have any time frame of
> release? Or will it be available only to the Enterprise DS customer?

I've been holding back on the same question. I've got a Fortune 100 client
that I'm currently working with to prototype a system for doing distributed
transaction analysis over several billion transactions. We're obviously
leveraging the Map/Reduce framework in Riak. At times, our goal is to run
stats across the whole data set but we'd also like to run against subsets
that match some search criteria. Using filters in the map/reduce job is a
solution but requires visiting every document.

Riak Search may be able to help. We've got a generous amount of funding due
to the complexity and urgency of the problem. Since we're prototyping, we
can live with bugs. Is the beta trial closed? If we can put a solution
together using Riak then my client will be looking at the enterprise support
and monitoring.

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