On May 11, 2010, at 10:07 AM, Germain Maurice wrote:

> I'd like to know how works Riak when my bucket has n_val = 3 and only 2 
> physical nodes.
> Does Riak make 3 copies of the bucket over the 2 nodes or it maintains only 2 
> copies of my bucket on the cluster ?
The data partitioning is done on they key level not the bucket level. An n_val 
of three will result in 3 vnodes/partitions holding replicas of the data. One 
of your nodes would control two of the three partitions.

> I'm doing tests of riak and i find some things weird.
> I have a two nodes cluster and a bucket with n_val = 3.
> I put more than 1 600 000 documents in the bucket and it takes less than 200 
> GB with Innostore.
> I shut down the second node with "q()." in a "riak console".
> Firstly, there was no synchronisation of data on the first node, i assume 
> it's better because very similar to a node crash.
> Secondly, when i did a read request on a document with :
> - ?r=1 -> success
> - ?r=2 -> success
> - ?r=3 -> fail

This is due to the fact that 2 of the 3 vnodes were able to respond with your 
data, but not the third because your took down the node that had 1 of the 3 

> An other question, "n replicas" means "1 + n copies" or "n copies" of the 
> bucket ?

N replicas means N instances of the key will exist throughout the cluster.

Grant Schofield
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies

> I really appreciate if you can explain me this behavior ?
> Thank you
> Best Regards,
> -- 
> Germain Maurice
> Administrateur Système/Réseau
> Tel : +33.(0)
> http://www.linkfluence.net
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