But the "somewhere" has to be writable by "riak" user, that's the "problem. :)

Le 10/05/10 14:16, Sean Cribbs a écrit :
NFS would be one of many ways to export the backup off of the node.  You can 
also specify a filename on the command line when running `riak-admin backup` if 
you want to put it somewhere other than data/.

Sean Cribbs<s...@basho.com>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On May 10, 2010, at 6:51 AM, Germain Maurice wrote:

Hi everybody,

I have a two nodes cluster and i'm trying to backup it before making some tests.
The backup process does not want to start, here is the error i'm getting :

r...@couch1:~# riak-admin backup r...@ riak /reiser/riak-backup node
Backing up (node 'r...@') to '/reiser/riak-backup-r...@'.
{"init terminating in 
init terminating in do_boot ()

r...@couch1:~# riak-admin backup r...@ riak /reiser/riak-backup all
Backing up (all nodes) to '/reiser/riak-backup'.
...from ['r...@','r...@']
{"init terminating in 
init terminating in do_boot ()

My consoles on a each don't throw any errors.

Just before sending this email, i found the solution :
->  the system user of riak process has to have permission of creating the 
backup file, /reiser/riak/backup-file in my case.
/reiser/riak contains /reiser/riak/ring /reiser/riak/innostore ...

If i want to export this backup outside of the node, i expect i have to use NFS 
mount point.
Do you agree with it ?


Germain Maurice
Administrateur Système/Réseau
Tel : +33.(0)


riak-users mailing list

Germain Maurice
Administrateur Système/Réseau
Tel : +33.(0)


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