Hi Norman, I ran into the same problem when following The Riak Fast Track. My problem was that the script actually wasn't importing anything. I changed the script as follows which worked. Maybe it will work for you...
#!/usr/bin/env escript main([Filename]) -> {ok, Data} = file:read_file(Filename), %%Lines = tl(re:split(Data, "\r?\n", [{return, binary},trim])), Lines = tl(re:split(Data, "\r\n|\n|\r", [{return, binary},trim])), %%lists:foreach(fun(L) -> LS = re:split(L, ","), format_and_insert(LS) end, Lines). AccOut = lists:foldl(fun(L, AccIn) -> LS = re:split(L, ","), format_and_insert(LS, AccIn), AccIn + 1 end, 1, Lines), io:format("Inserted ~w lines~n", [AccOut]). format_and_insert(Line, AccIn) -> JSON = io_lib:format("{\"Date\":\"~s\",\"Open\":~s,\"High\":~s,\"Low\":~s,\"Close\":~s,\"Volume\":~s,\"Adj Close\":~s}", Line), %%Command = io_lib:format("curl -X PUT -d '~s' -H 'content-type: application/json'", [hd(Line),JSON]), Command = io_lib:format("curl -X PUT -d '~s' -H 'content-type: application/json'", [AccIn,JSON]), io:format("Inserting line ~w: ~s~n", [AccIn, hd(Line)]), os:cmd(Command). --Matthew _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com