Great news! I am planning to try it out soon in development.

2010/5/5 Justin Sheehy <>:
> Riak Users,
> You might have noticed that we released a new local key/value store
> recently:,-bitcask/
> As of just now, it is available as a storage engine ("backend") in the
> tip of the Riak repository.
> You can use it like any other backend just by setting the
> storage_backend application variable in the riak_kv application to
> riak_kv_bitcask_backend (in your "app.config") on a fresh node so that
> it will use Bitcask for storage.
> There is a new application in app.config, "bitcask", for more detailed
> configuration of bitcask behavior.  Some of the variables you can set
> in there are:
> data_root: string (required) - the directory for bitcask to use for
> storage and metadata
> merge_strategy: {hours, N} - perform a data file merge every N hours
> sync_strategy: how to manage syncing of data files being written.  choices:
>   none   (default)        - let the O/S decide
>   o_sync                   - use the O_SYNC flag to sync each write
>   {seconds, N}           - call bitcask:sync/1 every N seconds
> A couple of things aren't done yet, including more proactive
> generation of hintfiles, faster startup time, smarter merge
> strategies, more extensive testing on more platforms, documentation on
> usage, and more.  We are not yet recommending this as a primary
> production backend, but we expect to very soon.  Your feedback is
> welcomed.
> -Justin
> p.s. -- it's not slow.
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