Also, if you're certain you want it to relinquish its data before shutting 
down, use 'riak-admin leave'.  It will then proceed to handoff all of its keys 
to other nodes and then cleanly shut down.  With 1GB of data this could take a 
while, however.

Sean Cribbs <>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On May 4, 2010, at 4:02 PM, Matthew Pflueger wrote:

> Scenario:  I need to upgrade the OS of my nodes in my cluster which
> will result in a reboot of each node.  What would be the process to
> nicely migrate data away from each node?
> If my understanding is correct, performing a nice shutdown of a riak
> node via `riak stop` will migrate the data away from the node.  Am I
> correct?  If so, approximately how long would it take to do the
> migration if say each node represents 1 gig of data?  Does that whole
> gig get migrated away or only the data that is not replicated?
> --Matthew
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