I never used innostore, but dets seems to be a good solution if you don't have 
to store more than 2Gb in one file :)

>I did some testing between dets and innostore for storage backend which
>store 200k of data with same structure. Using default configuration for both
>storage backend, running on singgle node and bucket's allow_multi set to
>Data example : [{field, "value"}, {field, "value"}, {field, "value"}]
>I found out that storing 200k of data sequentially into dets is a lot more
>faster than storing into innodb and dets only use around 350MB space while
>innodb use around 1.1GB.
>Also, in my other test which store 1 million data into dets, it only use
>around 700MB++ of space (same data structure above).
>It is recommended to use innostore for production right?What should I do to
>make it better.
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