Eric Gaumer wrote:
On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Orlin Bozhinov < <>> wrote:


    Thanks for the <> link.  It's
    something I had missed spotting.

    The Semantic Web doesn't fit it all either.  I anticipate to much
    rather search riak (with its upcoming query language) than rely
entirely on sparql. Though I've always had the option in mind. If you look at my previous reply you'll see I'm considering it. I
    wonder what you think about the combined idea...

    If riak won't also become a real graph backend, then I'll likely
    go with an additional hosted database.  It could be a relational
    db (the most readily available kind), mongodb (i.e. mongohq),
    talis, etc.

Given today's landscape, and lessons learned, anyone who isn't thinking in terms of diverse storage infrastructures isn't listening. There is no single magic solution and in fact, the NoSQL ideology frees us from that mentality (directed toward the relational database).

So yes, a combination of diverse components sounds like a reasonable architecture.

Is it the ideal architecture? That's something you'll have to work out given your technical requirements.

In terms of storage adapters, you're misunderstanding things. What they're referring to is the ability to get RDF statements in/out of the these backends. This doesn't imply that they transform them into graph databases. The graph aspect would actually be something that RDF.rb would have to provide on top of the underlying storage mechanism (via a SPARQL query engine).

Without such, you have no means of traversal. RDF.rb does not support RDFS, OWL, or SPARQL. It's essentially an RDF serializer that can retrieve/store RDF statements via storage adapters. Not to imply that's a bad thing, you're just not going to get graph like behavior from it.


Good points and correct about RDF.rb - RDF would be useless without inference or search. Perhaps for backup, as it's so portable. I wouldn't mind keeping that in Riak.

Definitely though, the links would need to go into a store that has a SPARQL endpoint. Based on the current list of adapters, I like RedStore or the Talis Platform the most. However, it's a fast growing ecosystem and I'm not sure I need a semantic solution for now. Maybe I'll add RDF while my foot is being shot...



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