appears to have been removed about 9 hours ago.  Bitbucket won't 
display the change set

This changeset can not be displayed, as it is too large (cutoff was at 81.1 KB).

From: Grant Schofield []
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 1:16 PM
To: Mark Jones
Subject: Re: Newbie Questions:

On Apr 22, 2010, at 11:56 AM, Mark Jones wrote:

Are there any speed comparisons between riak and Cassandra?

Tthere aren't any at the moment, but this is something we are interested in 
working on  

How can I get the Python client?

This page: 
says to look but that 
link returns a 404

Thanks for pointing out the broken link, we will fix that. You can grab the 
most recent Python client here:

The client supports both HTTP and protobuffs protocols, but you will need to be 
running the latest tip or .10rc2 release to use the protobuffs protocol.  By 
the end of the week .10 will be released and you should be able to use that 
version as well.

I'm guessing there is no C/C++ client since I didn't see one listed.

No, there isn't currently a C/C++ client, but one is in the works.

Is anyone using this thing to store 30,000   500 byte entries/second?

It is theoretically possible given good infrastructure and application design, 
but those numbers are on the very high end of current usage numbers.

Grant Schofield
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies

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