I have the same question.  According to the comments in riak_claim.erl, the
claims will be arranged so that partition sequences of length at most
target_n_val will have no repeated nodes, if possible, but that there will
be cases where there may be repeats.  Is the sequence of N partitions taken
verbatim as the replica list, or is there some logic to ensure that we
actually get N distinct nodes?

I think in the original Dynamo paper, they said they had some extra logic to
make sure the N virtual nodes they chose for replication actually
corresponded to N distinct physical nodes.


On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Victor Martinez <vicmar...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm sorry if I'm adding more confusion to a question that seemed closed.
> Is this true even if the number of virtual nodes is not a multiple of N?
> So for example ( I know it is a very degenerate case ) if the size of the
> ring is 4, and there are 3 riak instances and N is set to 3 for a given
> bucket, a given entry could end up not being stored on the three nodes.
> The way I understand it, this could happen for any size of the ring which
> is not a multiple of N, not only in a ring with 4 partitions.
> I'm basing this on the comments in riak_claim.erl
> Is this correct?
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