Thanks for the info. This is what I understood from the doc, the
examples and the tests I did. I was wondering if there was something I
was missing to be able to traverse a complete graph using a simple

I don't know how the mapreduce link query is actually executed in the
mapreduce engine, if its distributed (i think not) but, AFAIK a
function cannot be defined, only patterns. Only the map and reduce
queries can have functions. Unless we can find a way to daisychain
mapreduce jobs for each link step? Otherwise, traversal can be done at
the application level I guess, requiring new mapreduce for each "next"

But it would be really nice to be able to run a mapreduce job over a
complete graph defined with links.


On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 5:18 PM, Alexander Sicular <> wrote:
> Colin,
> Link walking http calls are non exhaustive. So if you wanted to follow, for 
> example, two levels of depth you would have to do something like:
> http://localhost:8098/raw/bucket/key/_,_,_/_,_,_
> Check here,, and 
> here,, if 
> you haven't already.
> Otherwise you need to build your own recursive function. I'm not exactly sure 
> what that would look like in Riak M/R.
> -Alexander
> On Apr 12, 2010, at 5:07 PM, Colin Surprenant wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If I create a linked list of many items (unknown size) in a bucket,
>> for example, item1 links to item2, item2 links to item3, and so on, is
>> there a way to retrieve the complete set of items in a single
>> link-walking query or mapreduce query??
>> It looks like it only gathers the item direct childs and not the whole graph.
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Colin
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