
I tried your code with a minor modification and consistently got around 2 
seconds.  Can you post your app.config and vm.args files?

Sean Cribbs <>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:57 PM, Blake Schwendiman wrote:

> I created 1,000 random keys and values and inserted them in a bucket. On the 
> first run, it took 2 seconds. On the second run, 4. On the third 6, and so 
> forth. Is it normal for Riak's write time to degrade like this (takes more 
> time per write when there's more data)? Or am I doing something wrong?
> This is the insert code:
>   global $start;
>   $client = new RiakClient(HOST, PORT);
>   $bucket = $client->bucket('test_bucket');
>   print("Writing 1,000 objects\n");
>   for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
>     $rand = rand();
>     $obj = $bucket->newObject('foo_' . $rand, 
> 'AAAAAAAAJbbbbbbbbbkdjskdjfkdlsjfkalsfejfsklejlsfejkl' . $rand);
>     $obj->store();
>   }
>   $elapsed = microtime(true) - $start;
>   print("  completed in $elapsed ms\n");
> As you can see, I'm using the simple PHP rand() function to generate 
> keys/values, so there's definitely a possibility of name collision on the 
> keys. 
> The run time seems to be increasing each time I run, though it's not exactly 
> linear. I just ran it again and the run time was 11 seconds for 1,000 
> inserts. 
> BTW, this is a single-node cluster on a decent Linux machine (N, W, R are all 
> default values). I am using innostore on the back-end.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Blake Schwendiman
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