pan3793 commented on code in PR #50022:

@@ -1407,13 +1410,83 @@ private[hive] object HiveClientImpl extends Logging {
       case _ =>
         new HiveConf(conf, classOf[HiveConf])
-    try {
+    val hive = try {
     } catch {
       // SPARK-37069: not all Hive versions have the above method (e.g., Hive 
2.3.9 has it but
-      // 2.3.8 don't), therefore here we fallback when encountering the 
+      // 2.3.8 doesn't), therefore here we fallback when encountering the 
       case _: NoSuchMethodError =>
+    // Follow behavior of HIVE-26633 (4.0.0), only apply the max message size 
+    // `hive.thrift.client.max.message.size` is set and the value is positive
+    Option(hiveConf.get("hive.thrift.client.max.message.size"))
+      .map(HiveConf.toSizeBytes(_).toInt).filter(_ > 0)
+      .foreach { maxMessageSize =>
+        logDebug(s"Trying to set metastore client thrift max message to 
+        configureMaxThriftMessageSize(hiveConf, hive.getMSC, maxMessageSize)
+      }
+    hive
+  }
+  private def getFieldValue[T](obj: Any, fieldName: String): T = {
+    val field = obj.getClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName)
+    field.setAccessible(true)
+    field.get(obj).asInstanceOf[T]
+  }
+  private def getFieldValue[T](obj: Any, clazz: Class[_], fieldName: String): 
T = {
+    val field = clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName)
+    field.setAccessible(true)
+    field.get(obj).asInstanceOf[T]
+  }
+  // SPARK-49489: a surgery for Hive 2.3.10 due to lack of HIVE-26633
+  private def configureMaxThriftMessageSize(
+      hiveConf: HiveConf, msClient: IMetaStoreClient, maxMessageSize: Int): 
Unit = try {
+    msClient match {
+      // Hive uses Java Dynamic Proxy to enhance the MetaStoreClient to 
support synchronization
+      // and retrying, we should unwrap and access the underlying 
MetaStoreClient instance firstly
+      case proxy if JdkProxy.isProxyClass(proxy.getClass) =>
+        JdkProxy.getInvocationHandler(proxy) match {
+          case syncHandler if 
syncHandler.getClass.getName.endsWith("SynchronizedHandler") =>
+            val wrappedMsc = getFieldValue[IMetaStoreClient](syncHandler, 
+            configureMaxThriftMessageSize(hiveConf, wrappedMsc, maxMessageSize)
+          case retryHandler: RetryingMetaStoreClient =>
+            val wrappedMsc = getFieldValue[IMetaStoreClient](retryHandler, 
+            configureMaxThriftMessageSize(hiveConf, wrappedMsc, maxMessageSize)
+          case _ =>
+        }
+      case msc: HiveMetaStoreClient if !msc.isLocalMetaStore =>
+        @tailrec
+        def configure(t: TTransport): Unit = t match {
+          // Unwrap and access the underlying TTransport when security enabled 
+          case tTransport: TFilterTransport =>

Review Comment:
   @@Madhukar525722 kerberos cases are addressed here

@@ -1407,13 +1410,83 @@ private[hive] object HiveClientImpl extends Logging {
       case _ =>
         new HiveConf(conf, classOf[HiveConf])
-    try {
+    val hive = try {
     } catch {
       // SPARK-37069: not all Hive versions have the above method (e.g., Hive 
2.3.9 has it but
-      // 2.3.8 don't), therefore here we fallback when encountering the 
+      // 2.3.8 doesn't), therefore here we fallback when encountering the 
       case _: NoSuchMethodError =>
+    // Follow behavior of HIVE-26633 (4.0.0), only apply the max message size 
+    // `hive.thrift.client.max.message.size` is set and the value is positive
+    Option(hiveConf.get("hive.thrift.client.max.message.size"))
+      .map(HiveConf.toSizeBytes(_).toInt).filter(_ > 0)
+      .foreach { maxMessageSize =>
+        logDebug(s"Trying to set metastore client thrift max message to 
+        configureMaxThriftMessageSize(hiveConf, hive.getMSC, maxMessageSize)
+      }
+    hive
+  }
+  private def getFieldValue[T](obj: Any, fieldName: String): T = {
+    val field = obj.getClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName)
+    field.setAccessible(true)
+    field.get(obj).asInstanceOf[T]
+  }
+  private def getFieldValue[T](obj: Any, clazz: Class[_], fieldName: String): 
T = {
+    val field = clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName)
+    field.setAccessible(true)
+    field.get(obj).asInstanceOf[T]
+  }
+  // SPARK-49489: a surgery for Hive 2.3.10 due to lack of HIVE-26633
+  private def configureMaxThriftMessageSize(
+      hiveConf: HiveConf, msClient: IMetaStoreClient, maxMessageSize: Int): 
Unit = try {
+    msClient match {
+      // Hive uses Java Dynamic Proxy to enhance the MetaStoreClient to 
support synchronization
+      // and retrying, we should unwrap and access the underlying 
MetaStoreClient instance firstly
+      case proxy if JdkProxy.isProxyClass(proxy.getClass) =>
+        JdkProxy.getInvocationHandler(proxy) match {
+          case syncHandler if 
syncHandler.getClass.getName.endsWith("SynchronizedHandler") =>
+            val wrappedMsc = getFieldValue[IMetaStoreClient](syncHandler, 
+            configureMaxThriftMessageSize(hiveConf, wrappedMsc, maxMessageSize)
+          case retryHandler: RetryingMetaStoreClient =>
+            val wrappedMsc = getFieldValue[IMetaStoreClient](retryHandler, 
+            configureMaxThriftMessageSize(hiveConf, wrappedMsc, maxMessageSize)
+          case _ =>
+        }
+      case msc: HiveMetaStoreClient if !msc.isLocalMetaStore =>
+        @tailrec
+        def configure(t: TTransport): Unit = t match {
+          // Unwrap and access the underlying TTransport when security enabled 
+          case tTransport: TFilterTransport =>

Review Comment:
   @Madhukar525722 kerberos cases are addressed here

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