HyukjinKwon commented on code in PR #50017:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/50017#discussion_r1963035005

@@ -712,37 +729,41 @@ object SparkSession extends SparkSessionCompanion with 
Logging {
-      val maybeConnectScript =
-        Option(System.getenv("SPARK_HOME")).map(Paths.get(_, "sbin", 
-      if (server.isEmpty &&
-        (remoteString.exists(_.startsWith("local")) ||
-          (remoteString.isDefined && isAPIModeConnect)) &&
-        maybeConnectScript.exists(Files.exists(_))) {
-        server = Some {
-          val args =
-            Seq(maybeConnectScript.get.toString, "--master", remoteString.get) 
++ sparkOptions
-              .filter(p => !p._1.startsWith("spark.remote"))
-              .flatMap { case (k, v) => Seq("--conf", s"$k=$v") }
-          val pb = new ProcessBuilder(args: _*)
-          // So don't exclude spark-sql jar in classpath
-          pb.environment().remove(SparkConnectClient.SPARK_REMOTE)
-          pb.start()
-        }
-        // Let the server start. We will directly request to set the 
-        // and this sleep makes less noisy with retries.
-        Thread.sleep(2000L)
-        System.setProperty("spark.remote", "sc://localhost")
-        // scalastyle:off runtimeaddshutdownhook
-        Runtime.getRuntime.addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
-          override def run(): Unit = if (server.isDefined) {
-            new ProcessBuilder(maybeConnectScript.get.toString)
-              .start()
+      server.synchronized {
+        if (server.isEmpty &&
+          (remoteString.exists(_.startsWith("local")) ||
+            (remoteString.isDefined && isAPIModeConnect)) &&
+          maybeConnectStartScript.exists(Files.exists(_))) {
+          server = Some {
+            val args =
+              Seq(
+                maybeConnectStartScript.get.toString,
+                "--master",
+                remoteString.get) ++ sparkOptions
+                .filter(p => !p._1.startsWith("spark.remote"))
+                .filter(p => !p._1.startsWith("spark.api.mode"))
+                .flatMap { case (k, v) => Seq("--conf", s"$k=$v") }
+            val pb = new ProcessBuilder(args: _*)
+            // So don't exclude spark-sql jar in classpath
+            pb.environment().remove(SparkConnectClient.SPARK_REMOTE)
+            pb.environment().put("SPARK_LOCAL_CONNECT", "1")
+            pb.start()
-        })
-        // scalastyle:on runtimeaddshutdownhook
+          // Let the server start. We will directly request to set the 
+          // and this sleep makes less noisy with retries.
+          Thread.sleep(2000L)

Review Comment:
   We do like wait until logfile is created or sth .. I will take a seperate 
look it is original code in any event. Here I just added synchronized

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