hvanhovell commented on code in PR #49111:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/49111#discussion_r1941539628

@@ -471,16 +481,120 @@ private class KeyValueGroupedDatasetImpl[K, V, IK, IV](
+  private def aggUntypedWithValueMapFunc(columns: TypedColumn[_, _]*): 
Dataset[_] = {
+    val originalDs = sparkSession.newDataset(ivEncoder, plan)
+    // Apply the value transformation, get a DS of two columns "iv" and "v".
+    // If any of "iv" or "v" consists of a single primitive field, wrap it 
with a struct so it
+    // would not be flattened.
+    // Also here we detect if the input "iv" is a single field struct. If yes, 
we rename the field
+    // to "key" to align with Spark behaviour.
+    val (valueTransformedDf, ivFields, vFields) =
+      renameSingleFieldStruct(applyValueMapFunc(originalDs))
+    // Rewrite grouping expressions to use "iv" as input.
+    val updatedGroupingExprs = groupingColumns
+      .filterNot(c => KeyValueGroupedDatasetImpl.containsDummyUDF(c.node))
+      .map(c =>
+        ColumnNodeToProtoConverter.toExprWithTransformation(
+          c.node,
+          encoder = None,
+          rewriteInputColumnHook("iv", ivFields)))
+    // Rewrite aggregate columns to use "v" as input.
+    val updatedAggTypedExprs = columns.map { c =>
+      ColumnNodeToProtoConverter.toExprWithTransformation(
+        c.node,
+        encoder = Some(vEncoder), // Pass encoder to convert it to a typed 
+        rewriteInputColumnHook("v", vFields))
+    }
+    val rEnc = ProductEncoder.tuple(kEncoder +: columns.map(c => 
+    sparkSession.newDataset(rEnc) { builder =>
+      builder.getAggregateBuilder
+        .setInput(valueTransformedDf.plan.getRoot)
+        .setGroupType(proto.Aggregate.GroupType.GROUP_TYPE_GROUPBY)
+        .addAllGroupingExpressions(updatedGroupingExprs.asJava)
+        .addAllAggregateExpressions(updatedAggTypedExprs.asJava)
+    }
+  }
+  private def applyValueMapFunc(ds: Dataset[IV]): DataFrame = {
+    require(valueMapFunc.isDefined, "valueMapFunc is not defined")
+    val ivIsStruct = ivEncoder.isInstanceOf[StructEncoder[_]]
+    val vIsStruct = vEncoder.isInstanceOf[StructEncoder[_]]
+    val transformEncoder = {
+      val wrappedIvEncoder =
+        (if (ivIsStruct) ivEncoder else ProductEncoder.tuple(Seq(ivEncoder)))
+          .asInstanceOf[AgnosticEncoder[Any]]
+      val wrappedVEncoder =
+        (if (vIsStruct) vEncoder else ProductEncoder.tuple(Seq(vEncoder)))
+          .asInstanceOf[AgnosticEncoder[Any]]
+      ProductEncoder
+        .tuple(Seq(wrappedIvEncoder, wrappedVEncoder))
+        .asInstanceOf[AgnosticEncoder[(Any, Any)]]
+    }
+    val transformFunc = UDFAdaptors.mapValues(valueMapFunc.get, ivIsStruct, 
+    ds.mapPartitions(transformFunc)(transformEncoder).toDF("iv", "v")
+  }
+  /**
+   * Given a DF of two Struct columns "iv" and "v", rename the fields of "iv" 
if it consists of a
+   * single field. Also return the column names of "iv" and "v" to avoid 
recomputing them later.
+   * @return
+   *   (new dataframe, column names in IV, column names in V)
+   */
+  private def renameSingleFieldStruct(df: DataFrame): (DataFrame, Seq[String], 
Seq[String]) = {
+    val ivSchema = df.schema(0).dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType]

Review Comment:
   This is a bit of a no-no from the connect POV. We should not be getting the 
schema, because it can change before we submit the dataset for execution.

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