HeartSaVioR commented on code in PR #49747:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/49747#discussion_r1936722556

@@ -343,6 +343,63 @@ class RocksDBStateStoreSuite extends 
+  Seq(true, false).foreach { colFamiliesEnabled =>
+    test(s"rocksdb range scan - variable size non-ordering columns with 
non-zero start ordinal " +
+      s"with colFamiliesEnabled=$colFamiliesEnabled") {
+      tryWithProviderResource(newStoreProvider(keySchema,
+        RangeKeyScanStateEncoderSpec(
+          keySchema, Seq(1)), colFamiliesEnabled)) { provider =>
+        val store = provider.getStore(0)
+        // use non-default col family if column families are enabled
+        val cfName = if (colFamiliesEnabled) "testColFamily" else "default"
+        if (colFamiliesEnabled) {
+          store.createColFamilyIfAbsent(cfName,
+            keySchema, valueSchema,
+            RangeKeyScanStateEncoderSpec(keySchema, Seq(1)))
+        }
+        val timerTimestamps = Seq(931L, 8000L, 452300L, 4200L, -1L, 90L, 1L, 
2L, 8L,

Review Comment:
   nit: Is it intentional to use Long constants here while we cast to Int again?

@@ -343,6 +343,63 @@ class RocksDBStateStoreSuite extends 
+  Seq(true, false).foreach { colFamiliesEnabled =>
+    test(s"rocksdb range scan - variable size non-ordering columns with 
non-zero start ordinal " +
+      s"with colFamiliesEnabled=$colFamiliesEnabled") {
+      tryWithProviderResource(newStoreProvider(keySchema,
+        RangeKeyScanStateEncoderSpec(
+          keySchema, Seq(1)), colFamiliesEnabled)) { provider =>
+        val store = provider.getStore(0)
+        // use non-default col family if column families are enabled
+        val cfName = if (colFamiliesEnabled) "testColFamily" else "default"
+        if (colFamiliesEnabled) {
+          store.createColFamilyIfAbsent(cfName,
+            keySchema, valueSchema,
+            RangeKeyScanStateEncoderSpec(keySchema, Seq(1)))
+        }
+        val timerTimestamps = Seq(931L, 8000L, 452300L, 4200L, -1L, 90L, 1L, 
2L, 8L,
+          -230L, -14569L, -92L, -7434253L, 35L, 6L, 9L, -323L, 5L)
+        timerTimestamps.foreach { ts =>
+          val keyRow = dataToKeyRow(Random.alphanumeric.filter(_.isLetter)

Review Comment:
   nit: Looks like this could be easily extracted out to the inner method to 
avoid being redundant. Either getting ts or Array/List of ts.

@@ -453,6 +510,68 @@ class RocksDBStateStoreSuite extends 
+  Seq(true, false).foreach { colFamiliesEnabled =>
+    Seq(Seq(1, 2), Seq(2, 1)).foreach { sortIndexes =>
+      test(s"rocksdb range scan multiple ordering columns - with non-zero 
start ordinal - " +
+        s"variable size non-ordering columns with 
colFamiliesEnabled=$colFamiliesEnabled " +
+        s"sortIndexes=${sortIndexes.mkString(",")}") {
+        val testSchema: StructType = StructType(
+          Seq(StructField("key1", StringType, false),
+            StructField("key2", LongType, false),
+            StructField("key3", IntegerType, false)))
+        val schemaProj = UnsafeProjection.create(Array[DataType](StringType, 
LongType, IntegerType))
+        tryWithProviderResource(newStoreProvider(testSchema,
+          RangeKeyScanStateEncoderSpec(testSchema, sortIndexes), 
colFamiliesEnabled)) { provider =>
+          val store = provider.getStore(0)
+          val cfName = if (colFamiliesEnabled) "testColFamily" else "default"
+          if (colFamiliesEnabled) {
+            store.createColFamilyIfAbsent(cfName,
+              testSchema, valueSchema,
+              RangeKeyScanStateEncoderSpec(testSchema, sortIndexes))
+          }
+          val timerTimestamps = Seq((931L, 10), (8000L, 40), (452300L, 1), 
(4200L, 68), (90L, 2000),
+            (1L, 27), (1L, 394), (1L, 5), (3L, 980),
+            (-1L, 232), (-1L, 3455), (-6109L, 921455), (-9808344L, 1), 
(-1020L, 2),
+            (35L, 2112), (6L, 90118), (9L, 95118), (6L, 87210), (-4344L, 
2323), (-3122L, 323))
+          timerTimestamps.foreach { ts =>
+            // order by long col first and then by int col
+            val keyRow = schemaProj.apply(new 
+              .fromString(Random.alphanumeric.take(Random.nextInt(20) + 
1).mkString), ts._1,
+              ts._2)))
+            val valueRow = dataToValueRow(1)
+            store.put(keyRow, valueRow, cfName)
+            assert(valueRowToData(store.get(keyRow, cfName)) === 1)
+          }
+          val result = store.iterator(cfName).map { kv =>
+            val keyRow = kv.key
+            val key = (keyRow.getString(0), keyRow.getLong(1), 
+            (key._2, key._3)

Review Comment:
   nit: why not just inline?

@@ -1065,97 +1184,114 @@ class RocksDBStateStoreSuite extends 
     assert(exception.getMessage.contains("Found long, expecting union"))
-  testWithColumnFamiliesAndEncodingTypes(
-    "rocksdb range scan multiple non-contiguous ordering columns",
-    TestWithBothChangelogCheckpointingEnabledAndDisabled ) { 
colFamiliesEnabled =>
-    val testSchema: StructType = StructType(
-      Seq(
-        StructField("ordering1", LongType, false),
-        StructField("key2", StringType, false),
-        StructField("ordering2", IntegerType, false),
-        StructField("string2", StringType, false),
-        StructField("ordering3", DoubleType, false)
+  Seq(Seq(0, 1, 2), Seq(0, 2, 1), Seq(2, 1, 0), Seq(2, 0, 1)).foreach { 
sortIndexes =>
+    testWithColumnFamiliesAndEncodingTypes(
+      s"rocksdb range scan multiple non-contiguous ordering columns " +
+        s"and sortIndexes=${sortIndexes.mkString(",")}",
+      TestWithBothChangelogCheckpointingEnabledAndDisabled) { 
colFamiliesEnabled =>
+      val testSchema: StructType = StructType(
+        Seq(
+          StructField("ordering1", LongType, false),
+          StructField("key2", StringType, false),
+          StructField("ordering2", IntegerType, false),
+          StructField("string2", StringType, false),
+          StructField("ordering3", DoubleType, false)
+        )
-    )
-    val testSchemaProj = UnsafeProjection.create(Array[DataType](
+      val testSchemaProj = UnsafeProjection.create(Array[DataType](
-    val rangeScanOrdinals = Seq(0, 2, 4)
-    tryWithProviderResource(
-      newStoreProvider(
-        testSchema,
-        RangeKeyScanStateEncoderSpec(testSchema, rangeScanOrdinals),
-        colFamiliesEnabled
-      )
-    ) { provider =>
-      val store = provider.getStore(0)
+      // Multiply by 2 to get the actual ordinals in the row

Review Comment:
   nit: it does not seem to simplify the logic. (0, 1, 2) * 2 vs (0, 2, 4) does 
not have a huge difference given that someone needs to know about the schema to 
understand this.

@@ -1065,97 +1184,114 @@ class RocksDBStateStoreSuite extends 
     assert(exception.getMessage.contains("Found long, expecting union"))
-  testWithColumnFamiliesAndEncodingTypes(
-    "rocksdb range scan multiple non-contiguous ordering columns",
-    TestWithBothChangelogCheckpointingEnabledAndDisabled ) { 
colFamiliesEnabled =>
-    val testSchema: StructType = StructType(
-      Seq(
-        StructField("ordering1", LongType, false),
-        StructField("key2", StringType, false),
-        StructField("ordering2", IntegerType, false),
-        StructField("string2", StringType, false),
-        StructField("ordering3", DoubleType, false)
+  Seq(Seq(0, 1, 2), Seq(0, 2, 1), Seq(2, 1, 0), Seq(2, 0, 1)).foreach { 
sortIndexes =>
+    testWithColumnFamiliesAndEncodingTypes(
+      s"rocksdb range scan multiple non-contiguous ordering columns " +
+        s"and sortIndexes=${sortIndexes.mkString(",")}",
+      TestWithBothChangelogCheckpointingEnabledAndDisabled) { 
colFamiliesEnabled =>
+      val testSchema: StructType = StructType(
+        Seq(
+          StructField("ordering1", LongType, false),
+          StructField("key2", StringType, false),
+          StructField("ordering2", IntegerType, false),
+          StructField("string2", StringType, false),
+          StructField("ordering3", DoubleType, false)
+        )
-    )
-    val testSchemaProj = UnsafeProjection.create(Array[DataType](
+      val testSchemaProj = UnsafeProjection.create(Array[DataType](
-    val rangeScanOrdinals = Seq(0, 2, 4)
-    tryWithProviderResource(
-      newStoreProvider(
-        testSchema,
-        RangeKeyScanStateEncoderSpec(testSchema, rangeScanOrdinals),
-        colFamiliesEnabled
-      )
-    ) { provider =>
-      val store = provider.getStore(0)
+      // Multiply by 2 to get the actual ordinals in the row
+      val rangeScanOrdinals = sortIndexes.map(_ * 2)
-      val cfName = if (colFamiliesEnabled) "testColFamily" else "default"
-      if (colFamiliesEnabled) {
-        store.createColFamilyIfAbsent(
-          cfName,
+      tryWithProviderResource(
+        newStoreProvider(
-          valueSchema,
-          RangeKeyScanStateEncoderSpec(testSchema, rangeScanOrdinals)
+          RangeKeyScanStateEncoderSpec(testSchema, rangeScanOrdinals),
+          colFamiliesEnabled
-      }
+      ) { provider =>
+        val store = provider.getStore(0)
-      val orderedInput = Seq(
-        // Make sure that the first column takes precedence, even if the
-        // later columns are greater
-        (-2L, 0, 99.0),
-        (-1L, 0, 98.0),
-        (0L, 0, 97.0),
-        (2L, 0, 96.0),
-        // Make sure that the second column takes precedence, when the first
-        // column is all the same
-        (3L, -2, -1.0),
-        (3L, -1, -2.0),
-        (3L, 0, -3.0),
-        (3L, 2, -4.0),
-        // Finally, make sure that the third column takes precedence, when the
-        // first two ordering columns are the same.
-        (4L, -1, -127.0),
-        (4L, -1, 0.0),
-        (4L, -1, 64.0),
-        (4L, -1, 127.0)
-      )
-      val scrambledInput = Random.shuffle(orderedInput)
-      scrambledInput.foreach { record =>
-        val keyRow = testSchemaProj.apply(
-          new GenericInternalRow(
-            Array[Any](
-              record._1,
UTF8String.fromString(Random.alphanumeric.take(Random.nextInt(20) + 
-              record._2,
UTF8String.fromString(Random.alphanumeric.take(Random.nextInt(20) + 
-              record._3
-            )
+        val cfName = if (colFamiliesEnabled) "testColFamily" else "default"
+        if (colFamiliesEnabled) {
+          store.createColFamilyIfAbsent(
+            cfName,
+            testSchema,
+            valueSchema,
+            RangeKeyScanStateEncoderSpec(testSchema, rangeScanOrdinals)
+        }
+        val orderedInput = Seq(
+          // Make sure that the first column takes precedence, even if the
+          // later columns are greater
+          (-2L, 0, 99.0),
+          (-1L, 0, 98.0),
+          (0L, 0, 97.0),
+          (2L, 0, 96.0),
+          // Make sure that the second column takes precedence, when the first
+          // column is all the same
+          (3L, -2, -1.0),
+          (3L, -1, -2.0),
+          (3L, 0, -3.0),
+          (3L, 2, -4.0),
+          // Finally, make sure that the third column takes precedence, when 
+          // first two ordering columns are the same.
+          (4L, -1, -127.0),
+          (4L, -1, 0.0),
+          (4L, -1, 64.0),
+          (4L, -1, 127.0)
+        val scrambledInput = Random.shuffle(orderedInput)
+        scrambledInput.foreach { record =>
+          val keyRow = testSchemaProj.apply(
+            new GenericInternalRow(
+              Array[Any](
+                record._1,
UTF8String.fromString(Random.alphanumeric.take(Random.nextInt(20) + 
+                record._2,
UTF8String.fromString(Random.alphanumeric.take(Random.nextInt(20) + 
+                record._3
+              )
+            )
+          )
-        // The value is just a "dummy" value of 1
-        val valueRow = dataToValueRow(1)
-        store.put(keyRow, valueRow, cfName)
-        assert(valueRowToData(store.get(keyRow, cfName)) === 1)
-      }
+          // The value is just a "dummy" value of 1
+          val valueRow = dataToValueRow(1)
+          store.put(keyRow, valueRow, cfName)
+          assert(valueRowToData(store.get(keyRow, cfName)) === 1)
+        }
-      val result = store
-        .iterator(cfName)
-        .map { kv =>
-          val keyRow = kv.key
-          val key = (keyRow.getLong(0), keyRow.getInt(2), keyRow.getDouble(4))
-          (key._1, key._2, key._3)
+        val result = store
+          .iterator(cfName)
+          .map { kv =>
+            val keyRow = kv.key
+            val key = (keyRow.getLong(0), keyRow.getInt(2), 
+            (key._1, key._2, key._3)

Review Comment:
   ditto, not sure whether the readability will be regressed if we inline.

@@ -1065,97 +1184,114 @@ class RocksDBStateStoreSuite extends 
     assert(exception.getMessage.contains("Found long, expecting union"))
-  testWithColumnFamiliesAndEncodingTypes(
-    "rocksdb range scan multiple non-contiguous ordering columns",
-    TestWithBothChangelogCheckpointingEnabledAndDisabled ) { 
colFamiliesEnabled =>
-    val testSchema: StructType = StructType(
-      Seq(
-        StructField("ordering1", LongType, false),
-        StructField("key2", StringType, false),
-        StructField("ordering2", IntegerType, false),
-        StructField("string2", StringType, false),
-        StructField("ordering3", DoubleType, false)
+  Seq(Seq(0, 1, 2), Seq(0, 2, 1), Seq(2, 1, 0), Seq(2, 0, 1)).foreach { 
sortIndexes =>
+    testWithColumnFamiliesAndEncodingTypes(
+      s"rocksdb range scan multiple non-contiguous ordering columns " +
+        s"and sortIndexes=${sortIndexes.mkString(",")}",
+      TestWithBothChangelogCheckpointingEnabledAndDisabled) { 
colFamiliesEnabled =>
+      val testSchema: StructType = StructType(
+        Seq(
+          StructField("ordering1", LongType, false),
+          StructField("key2", StringType, false),
+          StructField("ordering2", IntegerType, false),
+          StructField("string2", StringType, false),
+          StructField("ordering3", DoubleType, false)
+        )
-    )
-    val testSchemaProj = UnsafeProjection.create(Array[DataType](
+      val testSchemaProj = UnsafeProjection.create(Array[DataType](
-    val rangeScanOrdinals = Seq(0, 2, 4)
-    tryWithProviderResource(
-      newStoreProvider(
-        testSchema,
-        RangeKeyScanStateEncoderSpec(testSchema, rangeScanOrdinals),
-        colFamiliesEnabled
-      )
-    ) { provider =>
-      val store = provider.getStore(0)
+      // Multiply by 2 to get the actual ordinals in the row

Review Comment:
   I see how do you use this to simplify; effectively doing projection. Looks 
OK to me.

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