hvanhovell commented on code in PR #49584:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/49584#discussion_r1936120463

@@ -440,46 +443,64 @@ case class SessionHolder(userId: String, sessionId: 
String, session: SparkSessio
    * `spark.connect.session.planCache.enabled` is true.
    * @param rel
    *   The relation to transform.
-   * @param cachePlan
-   *   Whether to cache the result logical plan.
    * @param transform
    *   Function to transform the relation into a logical plan.
    * @return
-   *   The logical plan.
+   *   The logical plan and a flag indicating that the plan cache was hit.
-  private[connect] def usePlanCache(rel: proto.Relation, cachePlan: Boolean)(
-      transform: proto.Relation => LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
-    val planCacheEnabled = Option(session)
-    // We only cache plans that have a plan ID.
-    val hasPlanId = rel.hasCommon && rel.getCommon.hasPlanId
-    def getPlanCache(rel: proto.Relation): Option[LogicalPlan] =
-      planCache match {
-        case Some(cache) if planCacheEnabled && hasPlanId =>
-          Option(cache.getIfPresent(rel)) match {
-            case Some(plan) =>
-              logDebug(s"Using cached plan for relation '$rel': $plan")
-              Some(plan)
-            case None => None
-          }
-        case _ => None
-      }
-    def putPlanCache(rel: proto.Relation, plan: LogicalPlan): Unit =
-      planCache match {
-        case Some(cache) if planCacheEnabled && hasPlanId =>
-          cache.put(rel, plan)
-        case _ =>
+  private[connect] def usePlanCache(rel: proto.Relation)(
+      transform: proto.Relation => LogicalPlan): (LogicalPlan, Boolean) =
+    planCache match {
+      case Some(cache) if planCacheEnabled(rel) =>
+        Option(cache.getIfPresent(rel)) match {
+          case Some(plan) =>
+            logDebug(s"Using cached plan for relation '$rel': $plan")
+            (plan, true)
+          case None => (transform(rel), false)
+        }
+      case _ => (transform(rel), false)
+    }
+  /**
+   * Create a data frame from the supplied relation, and update the plan cache.
+   *
+   * @param rel
+   *   A proto.Relation to create a data frame.
+   * @param options
+   *   Options to pass to the data frame.
+   * @return
+   *   The created data frame.
+   */
+  private[connect] def createDataFrame(
+      rel: proto.Relation,
+      planner: SparkConnectPlanner,
+      options: Option[(QueryPlanningTracker, ShuffleCleanupMode)] = None): 
DataFrame = {
+    val (plan, cacheHit) = planner.transformRelationWithCache(rel)
+    val df = options match {
+      case Some((tracker, shuffleCleanupMode)) =>
+        Dataset.ofRows(session, plan, tracker, shuffleCleanupMode)
+      case _ => Dataset.ofRows(session, plan)
+    }
+    if (!cacheHit && planCache.isDefined && planCacheEnabled(rel)) {
+      if (df.queryExecution.isLazyAnalysis) {
+        val plan = df.queryExecution.logical
+        logDebug(s"Cache a lazyily analyzed logical plan for '$rel': $plan")
+        planCache.get.put(rel, plan)
+      } else {
+        val plan = df.queryExecution.analyzed
+        logDebug(s"Cache an analyzed logical plan for '$rel': $plan")
+        planCache.get.put(rel, plan)
+    }
+    df
+  }
-    getPlanCache(rel)
-      .getOrElse({
-        val plan = transform(rel)
-        if (cachePlan) {
-          putPlanCache(rel, plan)
-        }
-        plan
-      })
+  // Return true if the plan cache is enabled for the session and the relation.
+  private def planCacheEnabled(rel: proto.Relation): Boolean = {

Review Comment:
   Naming. Use `canCachePlan(..)` instead?

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