dtenedor commented on code in PR #49571:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/49571#discussion_r1931294394

@@ -848,6 +848,15 @@ object LimitPushDown extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
     case LocalLimit(exp, u: Union) =>
       LocalLimit(exp, u.copy(children = 
u.children.map(maybePushLocalLimit(exp, _))))
+    // If limit node is present, we should propagate it down to UnionLoop, so 
that it is later
+    // propagated to UnionLoopExec.
+    // Limit node is constructed by placing GlobalLimit over LocalLimit (look 
at Limit apply method)
+    // that is the reason why we match it this way.
+    case g @ GlobalLimit(IntegerLiteral(limit), l @ LocalLimit(_, p @ 
Project(_, ul: UnionLoop))) =>

Review Comment:
   Should we add helpers like `LimitAndOffset` [1] to match against global + 
local limits like this?

@@ -5059,6 +5059,12 @@
     "sqlState" : "42846"
+    "message" : [
+      "UNION operator not yet supported in recursive CTEs. Use UNION ALL."

Review Comment:
         "The UNION operator is not yet supported within recursive common table 
expressions (WITH clauses that refer to themselves, directly or indirectly). 
Please use UNION ALL instead."

@@ -714,6 +717,133 @@ case class UnionExec(children: Seq[SparkPlan]) extends 
SparkPlan {
     copy(children = newChildren)
+ * The physical node for recursion. Currently only UNION ALL case is supported.
+ * In the first iteration, anchor term is executed.
+ * Then, in each following iteration, the UnionLoopRef node is substituted 
with the plan from the
+ * previous iteration, and such plan is executed.
+ * After every iteration, the dataframe is repartitioned.
+ * The recursion stops when the generated dataframe is empty, or either the 
limit or
+ * the specified maximum depth from the config is reached.
+ *
+ * @param loopId The id of the loop.

Review Comment:
   also mention what this is used for, and who sets it and references it?

@@ -714,6 +717,133 @@ case class UnionExec(children: Seq[SparkPlan]) extends 
SparkPlan {
     copy(children = newChildren)
+ * The physical node for recursion. Currently only UNION ALL case is supported.
+ * In the first iteration, anchor term is executed.
+ * Then, in each following iteration, the UnionLoopRef node is substituted 
with the plan from the
+ * previous iteration, and such plan is executed.
+ * After every iteration, the dataframe is repartitioned.
+ * The recursion stops when the generated dataframe is empty, or either the 
limit or
+ * the specified maximum depth from the config is reached.
+ *
+ * @param loopId The id of the loop.
+ * @param anchor The logical plan of the initial element of the loop.
+ * @param recursion The logical plan that describes the recursion with an 
[[UnionLoopRef]] node.
+ * @param output The output attributes of this loop.
+ * @param limit In case we have a plan with the limit node, it is pushed down 
to UnionLoop and then
+ *              transferred to UnionLoopExec, to stop the recursion after 
specific amount of rows
+ *              is generated.
+ *              Note here: limit can be applied in the main query calling the 
recursive CTE, and not
+ *              inside the recursive term of recursive CTE.
+ */
+case class UnionLoopExec(
+    loopId: Long,
+    @transient anchor: LogicalPlan,

Review Comment:
   why is this transient?

@@ -1031,6 +1038,9 @@ object ColumnPruning extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
       } else {
+    // TODO: Pruning `UnionLoop`s needs to take into account both the outer 
`Project` and the inner
+    //  `UnionLoopRef` nodes.

Review Comment:
   Why do we drop the `UnionLoop` here?

@@ -714,6 +717,133 @@ case class UnionExec(children: Seq[SparkPlan]) extends 
SparkPlan {
     copy(children = newChildren)
+ * The physical node for recursion. Currently only UNION ALL case is supported.
+ * In the first iteration, anchor term is executed.
+ * Then, in each following iteration, the UnionLoopRef node is substituted 
with the plan from the
+ * previous iteration, and such plan is executed.
+ * After every iteration, the dataframe is repartitioned.
+ * The recursion stops when the generated dataframe is empty, or either the 
limit or
+ * the specified maximum depth from the config is reached.
+ *
+ * @param loopId The id of the loop.
+ * @param anchor The logical plan of the initial element of the loop.
+ * @param recursion The logical plan that describes the recursion with an 
[[UnionLoopRef]] node.
+ * @param output The output attributes of this loop.
+ * @param limit In case we have a plan with the limit node, it is pushed down 
to UnionLoop and then
+ *              transferred to UnionLoopExec, to stop the recursion after 
specific amount of rows
+ *              is generated.
+ *              Note here: limit can be applied in the main query calling the 
recursive CTE, and not
+ *              inside the recursive term of recursive CTE.
+ */
+case class UnionLoopExec(
+    loopId: Long,
+    @transient anchor: LogicalPlan,
+    @transient recursion: LogicalPlan,
+    override val output: Seq[Attribute],
+    limit: Option[Int] = None) extends LeafExecNode {
+  override def innerChildren: Seq[QueryPlan[_]] = Seq(anchor, recursion)
+  override lazy val metrics = Map(
+    "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output 

Review Comment:
   is it possible to include the number of recursive loops in here as well?

@@ -714,6 +717,133 @@ case class UnionExec(children: Seq[SparkPlan]) extends 
SparkPlan {
     copy(children = newChildren)
+ * The physical node for recursion. Currently only UNION ALL case is supported.
+ * In the first iteration, anchor term is executed.
+ * Then, in each following iteration, the UnionLoopRef node is substituted 
with the plan from the
+ * previous iteration, and such plan is executed.
+ * After every iteration, the dataframe is repartitioned.
+ * The recursion stops when the generated dataframe is empty, or either the 
limit or
+ * the specified maximum depth from the config is reached.
+ *
+ * @param loopId The id of the loop.
+ * @param anchor The logical plan of the initial element of the loop.
+ * @param recursion The logical plan that describes the recursion with an 
[[UnionLoopRef]] node.
+ * @param output The output attributes of this loop.
+ * @param limit In case we have a plan with the limit node, it is pushed down 
to UnionLoop and then
+ *              transferred to UnionLoopExec, to stop the recursion after 
specific amount of rows
+ *              is generated.
+ *              Note here: limit can be applied in the main query calling the 
recursive CTE, and not
+ *              inside the recursive term of recursive CTE.
+ */
+case class UnionLoopExec(
+    loopId: Long,
+    @transient anchor: LogicalPlan,
+    @transient recursion: LogicalPlan,
+    override val output: Seq[Attribute],
+    limit: Option[Int] = None) extends LeafExecNode {
+  override def innerChildren: Seq[QueryPlan[_]] = Seq(anchor, recursion)
+  override lazy val metrics = Map(
+    "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output 
+  /**
+   * This function executes the plan (optionally with appended limit node) and 
caches the result,
+   * with the caching mode specified in config.
+   */
+  private def executeAndCacheAndCount(
+     plan: LogicalPlan, currentLimit: Int) = {
+    // In case limit is defined, we create a (global) limit node above the 
plan and execute
+    // the newly created plan.
+    // Note here: global limit requires coordination (shuffle) between 
+    val planOrLimitedPlan = if (limit.isDefined) {
+      Limit(Literal(currentLimit), plan)
+    } else {
+      plan
+    }
+    val df = Dataset.ofRows(session, planOrLimitedPlan)
+    val cachedDF = df.repartition()
+    val count = cachedDF.count()
+    (cachedDF, count)
+  }
+  override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
+    val executionId = 
+    val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")
+    val levelLimit = conf.getConf(SQLConf.CTE_RECURSION_LEVEL_LIMIT)
+    // currentLimit is initialized from the limit argument, and in each step 
it is decreased by
+    // the number of rows generated in that step.
+    // If limit is not passed down, currentLimit is set to be zero and won't 
be considered in the
+    // condition of while loop down (limit.isEmpty will be true).
+    var currentLimit = limit.getOrElse(0)
+    val unionChildren = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[LogicalRDD]
+    var (prevDF, prevCount) = executeAndCacheAndCount(anchor, currentLimit)
+    var currentLevel = 1
+    // Main loop for obtaining the result of the recursive query.
+    while (prevCount > 0 && (limit.isEmpty || currentLimit > 0)) {
+      if (levelLimit != -1 && currentLevel > levelLimit) {
+        throw new SparkException(s"Recursion level limit ${levelLimit} reached 
but query has not " +

Review Comment:
   please add an error class for this

@@ -714,6 +717,133 @@ case class UnionExec(children: Seq[SparkPlan]) extends 
SparkPlan {
     copy(children = newChildren)
+ * The physical node for recursion. Currently only UNION ALL case is supported.
+ * In the first iteration, anchor term is executed.
+ * Then, in each following iteration, the UnionLoopRef node is substituted 
with the plan from the
+ * previous iteration, and such plan is executed.
+ * After every iteration, the dataframe is repartitioned.
+ * The recursion stops when the generated dataframe is empty, or either the 
limit or
+ * the specified maximum depth from the config is reached.
+ *
+ * @param loopId The id of the loop.
+ * @param anchor The logical plan of the initial element of the loop.
+ * @param recursion The logical plan that describes the recursion with an 
[[UnionLoopRef]] node.
+ * @param output The output attributes of this loop.
+ * @param limit In case we have a plan with the limit node, it is pushed down 
to UnionLoop and then

Review Comment:
   in other words, this represents a limit on the total number of rows output 
by this operator, correct? if so, let's mention that first as it's the 
high-order bit of information here.

@@ -714,6 +717,133 @@ case class UnionExec(children: Seq[SparkPlan]) extends 
SparkPlan {
     copy(children = newChildren)
+ * The physical node for recursion. Currently only UNION ALL case is supported.
+ * In the first iteration, anchor term is executed.
+ * Then, in each following iteration, the UnionLoopRef node is substituted 
with the plan from the
+ * previous iteration, and such plan is executed.
+ * After every iteration, the dataframe is repartitioned.
+ * The recursion stops when the generated dataframe is empty, or either the 
limit or
+ * the specified maximum depth from the config is reached.
+ *
+ * @param loopId The id of the loop.
+ * @param anchor The logical plan of the initial element of the loop.
+ * @param recursion The logical plan that describes the recursion with an 
[[UnionLoopRef]] node.

Review Comment:
   also reiterate here what the `[[UnionLoopRef]]` represents? This could be 
improved with an example above the @params with a short SQL snippet and 
corresponding logical plan.

@@ -714,6 +717,133 @@ case class UnionExec(children: Seq[SparkPlan]) extends 
SparkPlan {
     copy(children = newChildren)
+ * The physical node for recursion. Currently only UNION ALL case is supported.
+ * In the first iteration, anchor term is executed.
+ * Then, in each following iteration, the UnionLoopRef node is substituted 
with the plan from the
+ * previous iteration, and such plan is executed.
+ * After every iteration, the dataframe is repartitioned.
+ * The recursion stops when the generated dataframe is empty, or either the 
limit or
+ * the specified maximum depth from the config is reached.
+ *
+ * @param loopId The id of the loop.
+ * @param anchor The logical plan of the initial element of the loop.
+ * @param recursion The logical plan that describes the recursion with an 
[[UnionLoopRef]] node.
+ * @param output The output attributes of this loop.
+ * @param limit In case we have a plan with the limit node, it is pushed down 
to UnionLoop and then
+ *              transferred to UnionLoopExec, to stop the recursion after 
specific amount of rows
+ *              is generated.
+ *              Note here: limit can be applied in the main query calling the 
recursive CTE, and not
+ *              inside the recursive term of recursive CTE.
+ */
+case class UnionLoopExec(
+    loopId: Long,
+    @transient anchor: LogicalPlan,
+    @transient recursion: LogicalPlan,
+    override val output: Seq[Attribute],
+    limit: Option[Int] = None) extends LeafExecNode {
+  override def innerChildren: Seq[QueryPlan[_]] = Seq(anchor, recursion)
+  override lazy val metrics = Map(
+    "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output 
+  /**
+   * This function executes the plan (optionally with appended limit node) and 
caches the result,
+   * with the caching mode specified in config.
+   */
+  private def executeAndCacheAndCount(
+     plan: LogicalPlan, currentLimit: Int) = {
+    // In case limit is defined, we create a (global) limit node above the 
plan and execute
+    // the newly created plan.
+    // Note here: global limit requires coordination (shuffle) between 
+    val planOrLimitedPlan = if (limit.isDefined) {
+      Limit(Literal(currentLimit), plan)
+    } else {
+      plan
+    }
+    val df = Dataset.ofRows(session, planOrLimitedPlan)
+    val cachedDF = df.repartition()
+    val count = cachedDF.count()
+    (cachedDF, count)
+  }
+  override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {

Review Comment:
   could we please have a descriptive comment here that says what the general 
steps are of the execution implementation?

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