sunxiaoguang commented on code in PR #49453:

@@ -241,6 +241,72 @@ class MySQLIntegrationSuite extends 
DockerJDBCIntegrationV2Suite with V2JDBCTest
     assert(rows10(0).getString(0) === "amy")
     assert(rows10(1).getString(0) === "alex")
+  test("SPARK-50793: MySQL JDBC Connector failed to cast some types") {
+    val tableName = catalogName + ".test_cast_function"
+    withTable(tableName) {
+      val stringValue = "0"
+      val stringLiteral = "'0'"
+      val longValue = 0L
+      val binaryValue = Array[Byte](0x30)
+      val binaryLiteral = "x'30'"
+      val doubleValue = 0.0
+      val doubleLiteral = "0.0"
+      // CREATE table to use types defined in Spark SQL
+      sql(s"""CREATE TABLE $tableName (
+        string_col STRING,
+        long_col LONG,
+        binary_col BINARY,
+        double_col DOUBLE
+      )""")
+      sql(
+        s"INSERT INTO $tableName VALUES($stringLiteral, $longValue, 
$binaryLiteral, $doubleValue)")
+      def testCast(castType: String, sourceCol: String, targetCol: String,
+                   sourceDataType: DataType, sourceValue: Any,
+                   targetDataType: DataType, targetValue: Any): Unit = {
+        val sql =
+          s"""SELECT $sourceCol AS source, CAST($sourceCol AS $castType) AS 
target FROM $tableName
+             |WHERE CAST($sourceCol AS $castType) = $targetCol""".stripMargin
+        val df = spark.sql(sql)
+        castType match {
+          case "SHORT" | "INTEGER" =>
+            checkError(
+              exception = intercept[SparkException] {
+                df.collect()
+              },
+              condition = null
+            )

Review Comment:
   In case I make mistake again, here is what my understanding is. Let's see 
which part should be changed.
   1. It looks like `visitCast` is always called without configuration item to 
opt out.
   2. We added guards in `visitCast` to throw exceptions explicitly for two 
types `SHORT` and `INTEGER` to avoid CAST being used in projection and 
producing incorrect type metadata accidentally.
   3. We want to validate the cases where `DOUBLE`, `LONGTEXT`, `BIGINT` and 
`BLOB` types are used in `cast` and producing the expected resultset including 
the types in schema.
   4. We want to validate the cases where `SHORT` and `INTEGER` which are 
explicitly disabled are used which generates error during execution.
   5. For other cases not involving cast, `SHORT` and `INTEGER` are going to 
work without any issue.

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