ericm-db commented on code in PR #49277:

@@ -496,6 +498,486 @@ class RocksDBStateStoreSuite extends 
+  test("AvroStateEncoder - add field") {
+    val keySchema = StructType(Seq(
+      StructField("k", StringType)
+    ))
+    val initialValueSchema = StructType(Seq(
+      StructField("value", IntegerType, false)
+    ))
+    val evolvedValueSchema = StructType(Seq(
+      StructField("value", IntegerType, false),
+      StructField("timestamp", LongType, true)
+    ))
+    // Create test state schema provider
+    val testProvider = new TestStateSchemaProvider()
+    // Add initial schema version
+    testProvider.captureSchema(
+      keySchema,
+      initialValueSchema,
+      valueSchemaId = 0
+    )
+    // Create encoder with initial schema
+    val encoder1 = new AvroStateEncoder(
+      NoPrefixKeyStateEncoderSpec(keySchema),
+      initialValueSchema,
+      Some(testProvider),
+      Some(ColumnFamilyInfo(StateStore.DEFAULT_COL_FAMILY_NAME, 1))
+    )
+    // Create test data
+    val proj = UnsafeProjection.create(initialValueSchema)
+    val row1 = proj.apply(InternalRow(1))
+    // Encode with schema v0
+    val encoded = encoder1.encodeValue(row1)
+    // Add evolved schema
+    testProvider.captureSchema(
+      keySchema,
+      evolvedValueSchema,
+      valueSchemaId = 1
+    )
+    // Create encoder with initial schema
+    val encoder2 = new AvroStateEncoder(
+      NoPrefixKeyStateEncoderSpec(keySchema),
+      evolvedValueSchema,
+      Some(testProvider),
+      Some(ColumnFamilyInfo(StateStore.DEFAULT_COL_FAMILY_NAME, 1))
+    )
+    // Decode with evolved schema
+    val decoded = encoder2.decodeValue(encoded)
+    // Should be able to read old format
+    assert(decoded.getInt(0) === 1)
+    assert(decoded.getLong(1) === 0L) // New field should be null

Review Comment:
   UnsafeRow doesn't have any checks, when we call getLong on a null, we return 0

@@ -123,6 +126,25 @@ trait AlsoTestWithEncodingTypes extends SQLTestUtils {
+  def usingAvroEncoding(): Boolean = {
+    SQLConf.get.getConf(

Review Comment:
   No, good point.

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