nemanjapetr-db commented on code in PR #49351:

@@ -539,48 +582,58 @@ case class Union(
     children.length > 1 && !(byName || allowMissingCol) && childrenResolved && 
-  private lazy val lazyOutput: Seq[Attribute] = computeOutput()
-  private def computeOutput(): Seq[Attribute] = 
-  /**
-   * Maps the constraints containing a given (original) sequence of attributes 
to those with a
-   * given (reference) sequence of attributes. Given the nature of union, we 
expect that the
-   * mapping between the original and reference sequences are symmetric.
-   */
-  private def rewriteConstraints(
-      reference: Seq[Attribute],
-      original: Seq[Attribute],
-      constraints: ExpressionSet): ExpressionSet = {
-    require(reference.size == original.size)
-    val attributeRewrites = AttributeMap(
- transform {
-      case a: Attribute => attributeRewrites(a)
-    })
-  }
+  override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(newChildren: 
IndexedSeq[LogicalPlan]): Union =
+    copy(children = newChildren)
-  private def merge(a: ExpressionSet, b: ExpressionSet): ExpressionSet = {
-    val common = a.intersect(b)
-    // The constraint with only one reference could be easily inferred as 
-    // Grouping the constraints by it's references so we can combine the 
constraints with same
-    // reference together
-    val othera = a.diff(common).filter(_.references.size == 
-    val otherb = b.diff(common).filter(_.references.size == 
-    // loose the constraints by: A1 && B1 || A2 && B2  ->  (A1 || A2) && (B1 
|| B2)
-    val others = (othera.keySet intersect otherb.keySet).map { attr =>
-      Or(othera(attr).reduceLeft(And), otherb(attr).reduceLeft(And))
-    }
-    common ++ others
-  }
+ * The logical node for recursion, that contains a initial (anchor) and a 
recursion describing term,
+ * that contains an [[UnionLoopRef]] node.
+ * The node is very similar to [[Union]] because the initial and "generated" 
children are union-ed
+ * and it is also similar to a loop because the recursion continues until the 
last generated child
+ * is not empty.
+ *
+ * @param id The id of the loop, inherited from [[CTERelationDef]]
+ * @param anchor The plan of the initial element of the loop.
+ * @param recursion The plan that describes the recursion with an 
[[UnionLoopRef]] node.
+ * @param limit An optional limit that can be pushed down to the node to stop 
the loop earlier.
+ */
+case class UnionLoop(
+                      id: Long,

Review Comment:

@@ -462,6 +462,59 @@ object Union {
+abstract class UnionBase extends LogicalPlan {
+  // updating nullability to make all the children consistent
+  override def output: Seq[Attribute] = {
+    if (conf.getConf(SQLConf.LAZY_SET_OPERATOR_OUTPUT)) {
+      lazyOutput
+    } else {
+      computeOutput()
+    }
+  }
+  override def metadataOutput: Seq[Attribute] = Nil
+  private lazy val lazyOutput: Seq[Attribute] = computeOutput()
+  private def computeOutput(): Seq[Attribute] = 
+  /**
+   * Maps the constraints containing a given (original) sequence of attributes 
to those with a
+   * given (reference) sequence of attributes. Given the nature of union, we 
expect that the
+   * mapping between the original and reference sequences are symmetric.
+   */
+  private def rewriteConstraints(
+                                  reference: Seq[Attribute],

Review Comment:

@@ -539,48 +582,58 @@ case class Union(
     children.length > 1 && !(byName || allowMissingCol) && childrenResolved && 
-  private lazy val lazyOutput: Seq[Attribute] = computeOutput()
-  private def computeOutput(): Seq[Attribute] = 
-  /**
-   * Maps the constraints containing a given (original) sequence of attributes 
to those with a
-   * given (reference) sequence of attributes. Given the nature of union, we 
expect that the
-   * mapping between the original and reference sequences are symmetric.
-   */
-  private def rewriteConstraints(
-      reference: Seq[Attribute],
-      original: Seq[Attribute],
-      constraints: ExpressionSet): ExpressionSet = {
-    require(reference.size == original.size)
-    val attributeRewrites = AttributeMap(
- transform {
-      case a: Attribute => attributeRewrites(a)
-    })
-  }
+  override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(newChildren: 
IndexedSeq[LogicalPlan]): Union =
+    copy(children = newChildren)
-  private def merge(a: ExpressionSet, b: ExpressionSet): ExpressionSet = {
-    val common = a.intersect(b)
-    // The constraint with only one reference could be easily inferred as 
-    // Grouping the constraints by it's references so we can combine the 
constraints with same
-    // reference together
-    val othera = a.diff(common).filter(_.references.size == 
-    val otherb = b.diff(common).filter(_.references.size == 
-    // loose the constraints by: A1 && B1 || A2 && B2  ->  (A1 || A2) && (B1 
|| B2)
-    val others = (othera.keySet intersect otherb.keySet).map { attr =>
-      Or(othera(attr).reduceLeft(And), otherb(attr).reduceLeft(And))
-    }
-    common ++ others
-  }
+ * The logical node for recursion, that contains a initial (anchor) and a 
recursion describing term,
+ * that contains an [[UnionLoopRef]] node.
+ * The node is very similar to [[Union]] because the initial and "generated" 
children are union-ed
+ * and it is also similar to a loop because the recursion continues until the 
last generated child
+ * is not empty.
+ *
+ * @param id The id of the loop, inherited from [[CTERelationDef]]
+ * @param anchor The plan of the initial element of the loop.
+ * @param recursion The plan that describes the recursion with an 
[[UnionLoopRef]] node.
+ * @param limit An optional limit that can be pushed down to the node to stop 
the loop earlier.
+ */
+case class UnionLoop(
+                      id: Long,
+                      anchor: LogicalPlan,
+                      recursion: LogicalPlan,
+                      limit: Option[Int] = None) extends UnionBase {
+  override def children: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq(anchor, recursion)
+  override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(newChildren: 
IndexedSeq[LogicalPlan]): UnionLoop =
+    copy(anchor = newChildren(0), recursion = newChildren(1))
-  override protected lazy val validConstraints: ExpressionSet = {
-    children
-      .map(child => rewriteConstraints(children.head.output, child.output, 
-      .reduce(merge(_, _))
+ * The recursive reference in the recursive term of an [[UnionLoop]] node.
+ *
+ * @param loopId The id of the loop, inherited from [[CTERelationRef]]
+ * @param output The output attributes of this recursive reference.
+ * @param accumulated If false the the reference stands for the result of the 
previous iteration.
+ *                    If it is true then then it stands for the union of all 
previous iteration
+ *                    results.
+ */
+case class UnionLoopRef(

Review Comment:
   Will be a part of 
 that'll come in a follow up PR and which will be invoked from 
   Wanted to keep this PR lean.

@@ -37,21 +38,89 @@ object ResolveWithCTE extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
+  private def updateRecursiveAnchor(cteDef: CTERelationDef): CTERelationDef = {
+    cteDef.child match {
+      case SubqueryAlias(_, u: Union) =>
+        if (u.children.head.resolved) {
+          cteDef.copy(recursionAnchor = Some(u.children.head))
+        } else {
+          cteDef
+        }
+      case SubqueryAlias(_, d @ Distinct(u: Union)) =>
+        if (u.children.head.resolved) {
+          cteDef.copy(recursionAnchor = Some(d.copy(child = u.children.head)))
+        } else {
+          cteDef
+        }
+      case SubqueryAlias(_, a @ UnresolvedSubqueryColumnAliases(_, u: Union)) 
+        if (u.children.head.resolved) {
+          cteDef.copy(recursionAnchor = Some(a.copy(child = u.children.head)))
+        } else {
+          cteDef
+        }
+      case SubqueryAlias(_, a @ UnresolvedSubqueryColumnAliases(_, d @ 
Distinct(u: Union))) =>
+        if (u.children.head.resolved) {
+          cteDef.copy(recursionAnchor = Some(a.copy(child = d.copy(child = 
+        } else {
+          cteDef
+        }
+      case _ =>
+        cteDef.failAnalysis(
+          errorClass = "INVALID_RECURSIVE_CTE",
+          messageParameters = Map.empty)
+    }
+  }
   private def resolveWithCTE(
       plan: LogicalPlan,
       cteDefMap: mutable.HashMap[Long, CTERelationDef]): LogicalPlan = {
     plan.resolveOperatorsDownWithPruning(_.containsAllPatterns(CTE)) {
       case w @ WithCTE(_, cteDefs) =>
-        cteDefs.foreach { cteDef =>
-          if (cteDef.resolved) {
-            cteDefMap.put(, cteDef)
+        val newCTEDefs = { cteDef =>
+          // If a recursive CTE definition is not yet resolved then extract 
the anchor term to the
+          // definition, but if it is resolved then the extracted anchor term 
is no longer needed
+          // and can be removed.
+          val newCTEDef = if (cteDef.recursive) {
+            if (!cteDef.resolved) {
+              if (cteDef.recursionAnchor.isEmpty) {
+                updateRecursiveAnchor(cteDef)
+              } else {
+                cteDef
+              }
+            } else {
+              if (cteDef.recursionAnchor.nonEmpty) {

Review Comment:
   Why do you believe it is non-recursive, it is within if (cteDEf.recursive) 

@@ -539,48 +582,58 @@ case class Union(
     children.length > 1 && !(byName || allowMissingCol) && childrenResolved && 
-  private lazy val lazyOutput: Seq[Attribute] = computeOutput()
-  private def computeOutput(): Seq[Attribute] = 
-  /**
-   * Maps the constraints containing a given (original) sequence of attributes 
to those with a
-   * given (reference) sequence of attributes. Given the nature of union, we 
expect that the
-   * mapping between the original and reference sequences are symmetric.
-   */
-  private def rewriteConstraints(
-      reference: Seq[Attribute],
-      original: Seq[Attribute],
-      constraints: ExpressionSet): ExpressionSet = {
-    require(reference.size == original.size)
-    val attributeRewrites = AttributeMap(
- transform {
-      case a: Attribute => attributeRewrites(a)
-    })
-  }
+  override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(newChildren: 
IndexedSeq[LogicalPlan]): Union =
+    copy(children = newChildren)
-  private def merge(a: ExpressionSet, b: ExpressionSet): ExpressionSet = {
-    val common = a.intersect(b)
-    // The constraint with only one reference could be easily inferred as 
-    // Grouping the constraints by it's references so we can combine the 
constraints with same
-    // reference together
-    val othera = a.diff(common).filter(_.references.size == 
-    val otherb = b.diff(common).filter(_.references.size == 
-    // loose the constraints by: A1 && B1 || A2 && B2  ->  (A1 || A2) && (B1 
|| B2)
-    val others = (othera.keySet intersect otherb.keySet).map { attr =>
-      Or(othera(attr).reduceLeft(And), otherb(attr).reduceLeft(And))
-    }
-    common ++ others
-  }
+ * The logical node for recursion, that contains a initial (anchor) and a 
recursion describing term,
+ * that contains an [[UnionLoopRef]] node.
+ * The node is very similar to [[Union]] because the initial and "generated" 
children are union-ed
+ * and it is also similar to a loop because the recursion continues until the 
last generated child
+ * is not empty.
+ *
+ * @param id The id of the loop, inherited from [[CTERelationDef]]
+ * @param anchor The plan of the initial element of the loop.
+ * @param recursion The plan that describes the recursion with an 
[[UnionLoopRef]] node.
+ * @param limit An optional limit that can be pushed down to the node to stop 
the loop earlier.
+ */
+case class UnionLoop(
+                      id: Long,
+                      anchor: LogicalPlan,
+                      recursion: LogicalPlan,
+                      limit: Option[Int] = None) extends UnionBase {
+  override def children: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq(anchor, recursion)
+  override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(newChildren: 
IndexedSeq[LogicalPlan]): UnionLoop =
+    copy(anchor = newChildren(0), recursion = newChildren(1))
-  override protected lazy val validConstraints: ExpressionSet = {
-    children
-      .map(child => rewriteConstraints(children.head.output, child.output, 
-      .reduce(merge(_, _))
+ * The recursive reference in the recursive term of an [[UnionLoop]] node.
+ *
+ * @param loopId The id of the loop, inherited from [[CTERelationRef]]
+ * @param output The output attributes of this recursive reference.
+ * @param accumulated If false the the reference stands for the result of the 
previous iteration.
+ *                    If it is true then then it stands for the union of all 
previous iteration
+ *                    results.
+ */
+case class UnionLoopRef(
+                         loopId: Long,

Review Comment:

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