On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 04:51:09PM +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Just to say that I am totally on board with the idea of ensuring we
> get _something_ out of diffoscope on tests.reproducible-builds.org.

:) great!

> Way better than 250 timeouts.

showed that in the last 3-4 years there was constant progress on that! \o/

> However, I think this first iteration of --hard-timeout time has a few
> things that would need ironing out first, and potentially make it not
> worth implementing:
> (1) You suggest it should start again with "--max-container-depth 3",
> but it would surely need some syntax (or another option?) to control
> that "3" (but for the second time only).

another option, --second-pass-max-container-depth or some such

> (2) In fact, its easy to imagine that one would want to restart with
> other restrictions as well: not just --max-container-depth. For
> instance, excluding external commands like readelf and objdump that
> you know to be slow.

yes, that's a good idea and IMO should be automatically implied for the
2nd pass or round or try.

> (3) The output might need some comment saying "this was re-run with
> restrictions as we hit a timeout".


> (4) My gut feel that it would not be all that great to rely on CPython
> to really properly clear up child processes after a certain amount of
> time. Although I believe the most reliable top-level description to do
> this kind of thing inside CPython is to start a watchdog thread that
> sleeps until the timeout and then tries to kill everything, but my
> experience of doing anything like this within Python itself is not
> great, and essentially always needed something at the process level
> outside of it for it to be reliable. A container would be even more
> effective, I'm sure.


> In other words, I think the best way of achieving the result we want
> is, alas, by doing it outside of diffoscope at the level of the
> Jenkins. As in, exactly what you describe here:
> > Else we could also extend the current code for tests.r-b.o/debian, 
> > which currently
> > just kills diffoscope after 2h, to then run diffoscope 
> > --max-container-depth 3 :)
> Is that a massive faff?  :/

not really, I guess it would be rather simple even, I just thought
(or think?) that it would be a nice feature for diffoscope proper.


 ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org
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