
so we are testing trixie now as well, and thus the following question came
up on #debian-reproducible:
<h01ger> helmut: until now, we have varied whether the usrmerge package is 
         installed, when testing bookworm, unstable & experimental. shall we
         keep varying this for bookworm? shall we start varying this for trixie?
<helmut> thanks for asking. the answer is not obvious. I think anything
         <=bookworm should continue to vary usrmerge, because we need to support
         that. trixie buildds are still unmerged. I recommend varying trixie for
         now and stopping to vary it once buildds switch to merged chroots, 
         hopefully happens $soon.
<helmut> bluca drives/coordinates the switch of trixie buildds.
<h01ger> thanks. varying trixie seemed obvious to me, i'm just unclear/undecided
         about bookworm
<helmut> are you mixing these up? varying bookworm seemed obvious to me rather
         than trixie.
<h01ger> we dont really care about ci testing bookworm anymore. bookworm is 
         welcome trixie.
<h01ger> remember, this is the reproducible builds project, not the debian qa 
         doing reproducible builds. ;)
<helmut> as soon as buildds are merged, varying trixie no longer makes sense to
         me in either case
     * | h01ger nods
<h01ger> helmut: may i quote those lines from you here onto our mailinglist?
<helmut> yes
<h01ger> thank you

so should we stop testing usrmerge variations at all now?


 ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org
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