On 2022-02-03, Vagrant Cascadian wrote: > Over the last several months, I and others have found quite a few > packages that embed build paths via rpath when building with cmake. I > found myself slowly edging into a mass bug filing, one bug report at a > time... > > I ended up submitting a few patches and noting some affected packages: > > > https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/issues/unstable/cmake_rpath_contains_build_path_issue.html > > There are almost certainly packages missing from that list, as it is > generated by human confirmation...
So in the last couple months I kept finding more packages affected by this; the above URL now has confirmed 380+ packages affected by this issue, a few of which are are now fixed, thanks! On those I've tested and confirmed, I've either submitted a patch and/or mentioned in comments for the package in the reproducible builds notes, which you can see by clicking on the referenced package in the above URL, or searching for the relevent package in: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-notes/-/blob/master/packages.yml I don't know for sure that this is a comprehensive list of affected packages; I've mostly identified packages that fail to build with build path variations and had otherwise no known cause, or used other identified issues that apparently had a direct correlation to this issue. Doing a systematic search for all packages that use cmake to build and fail to build reproducibly in unstable or experimental would probably be the next step to identify any remaining packages... > In many cases I've tested so far, passing an argument via a > dh_auto_configure override in debian/rules fixes the issue: > > override_dh_auto_configure: > dh_auto_configure -- -DCMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON > > > Alternately, the experimental debhelper compat level v14 does include a > fix for these embedded rpaths, though in the current state, passing both > -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON and -DCMAKE_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON, it triggers build > failures 263 packages, according to a test run by Lucas Nussbaum in > October: > > http://qa-logs.debian.net/2021/10/25/diff.dcsr.txt > > > Since debhelper v14 is not finalized yet, I just sent a request to > debhelper to only pass one of the arguments, > -DCMAKE_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON, which should significantly reduce the > number of build failures while still making many packages reproducible > with debhelper compat v14: > > https://bugs.debian.org/1004939 Haven't gotten any comment on this from the debhelper maintainers yet... There are a few where -DCMAKE_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON does trigger test failures or otherwise causes build failures (some had test suite failures without changes), but my off the cuff guess is ~2% of the ~380 noted packges; less than I could count on both hands using very simple methods. This should be significantly less that -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON... It seems like it is not possible to actually create something like a lintian warning for this, as the actual build path is stripped out before creating the .deb package; the only result is for the most part a different build id and a few small changes in the binaries. Would, of course, be happy to be proven wrong! I've added a new list of affected maintainers produced with dd-list with the packages marked with the "cmake_rpath_contains_build_path" issue that haven't yet been fixed in some way according to tests.reproducible-builds.org. Thanks everyone! live well, vagrant
"Adam C. Powell, IV" <hazel...@debian.org> oce (U) A. Maitland Bottoms <bott...@debian.org> airspyone-host codec2 gr-fosphor gr-funcube (U) gr-hpsdr (U) gr-iqbal gr-osmosdr gr-radar gr-rds hackrf libfreesrp rtl-sdr volk Adam Borowski <kilob...@angband.pl> pmdk-convert pmemkv Adrian Knoth <a...@drcomp.erfurt.thur.de> libdrumstick (U) Alastair McKinstry <mckins...@debian.org> ecflow mathgl (U) Alberto Garcia <be...@igalia.com> cog Alberto Luaces Fernández <alua...@udc.es> openscenegraph Alessio Treglia <ales...@debian.org> fluidsynth (U) libdrumstick (U) Alf Gaida <aga...@siduction.org> libqtxdg (U) lxqt-config (U) lxqt-globalkeys (U) nomacs (U) screengrab (U) Andrea Capriotti <capri...@debian.org> userbindmount (U) vdeplug4 (U) Andreas Bombe <a...@debian.org> soapyosmo (U) soapysdr (U) Andreas Cord-Landwehr <c...@uni-paderborn.de> kdevelop-python (U) Andreas Metzler <ametz...@debian.org> hugin (U) libpano13 (U) Andreas Rönnquist <gus...@debian.org> allegro5 (U) Andreas Tille <ti...@debian.org> bamtools (U) civetweb (U) libminc (U) openmm (U) prime-phylo (U) spoa (U) Andrew Lee (李健秋) <ajq...@debian.org> libqtxdg (U) lxqt-config (U) lxqt-globalkeys (U) nomacs (U) screengrab (U) Andrey Rahmatullin <w...@debian.org> librsync Andrius Merkys <mer...@debian.org> libemf2svg (U) macromoleculebuilder (U) openmm (U) Antoine Beaupré <anar...@debian.org> slop Anton Gladky <gl...@debian.org> libopenshot (U) liggghts (U) metis (U) tetgen (U) Antonio Ospite <a...@ao2.it> libam7xxx Apollon Oikonomopoulos <apoi...@debian.org> leatherman (U) APT Development Team <de...@lists.debian.org> apt Arne Bernin <a...@alamut.de> libfreenect (U) Arne Morten Kvarving <arne.morten.kvarv...@sintef.no> opm-simulators (U) Arnout Engelen <arnou...@bzzt.net> libdrumstick (U) Aron Xu <a...@debian.org> fcitx-qt5 (U) opencc (U) Asias He <as...@debian.org> opencc (U) Aurelien Jarno <aure...@debian.org> libftdi libftdi1 Aurélien COUDERC <couc...@debian.org> analitza (U) ark (U) artikulate (U) audiocd-kio (U) baloo-kf5 (U) baloo-widgets (U) bluez-qt (U) breeze (U) cervisia (U) dolphin (U) gwenview (U) kaccounts-integration (U) kactivities-kf5 (U) kauth (U) kconfig (U) kdebugsettings (U) kdeclarative (U) kdeconnect (U) kdecoration (U) kdegraphics-mobipocket (U) kdeplasma-addons (U) kdesu (U) kdf (U) kemoticons (U) kfilemetadata-kf5 (U) kget (U) kglobalaccel (U) kholidays (U) khotkeys (U) khtml (U) kiconthemes (U) kidletime (U) kinfocenter (U) kinit (U) kio (U) kipi-plugins (U) kjs (U) kjsembed (U) kmix (U) kolourpaint (U) kompare (U) konsole (U) kpackage (U) kpeople (U) krdc (U) krfb (U) kservice (U) ksyntax-highlighting (U) ktexteditor (U) ktorrent (U) kwallet-kf5 (U) kwave (U) kwayland (U) kwin (U) kwindowsystem (U) layer-shell-qt (U) libkscreen (U) libksysguard (U) milou (U) okteta (U) okular (U) plasma-discover (U) plasma-firewall (U) plasma-nm (U) plasma-thunderbolt (U) plasma-workspace (U) powerdevil (U) print-manager (U) purpose (U) solid (U) systemsettings (U) Ayatana Packagers <pkg-ayatana-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org> qmenumodel Barak A. 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