On 2016-01-06 17:29, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi Aurelien,
> On Donnerstag, 24. Dezember 2015, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
> > Yes, it's exactly that. The glibc was configured with a minimum kernel
> > set to 3.2. This allows to use the new features provided by the kernel
> > without any compatibility code to emulate them. For that the libc first
> > looks at runtime that the kernel is indeed at least 3.2. This is where
> > it fails when using the uname26 personality, as with the default
> > comparison method, 2.6.40 < 3.2.
> [...]
> > The check for at least a 3.2 kernel is something done at runtime in
> > ld.so, hence the "FATAL: kernel too old" message you reported.
> Ah, now I understand. Thanks for taking the time to explain!
> However, I've come to the conclusion to stop using this on 
> reproducible.debian.net, as we are currently already testing on amd64 and 
> armhf, and we expect more archs soon, and as --linux-2.6 now only works on 
> x86 
> we would need to special case this, while at the same time making sure to 
> vary 
> kernels everywhere anyway, so it's just easier to stop using this.
> Thanks for also making me understand that! :)

The problem is not reproducible starting with glibc 2.26-1, on that
version, ldconfig exit with an abort instead of a segmentation fault.

I am therefore closing the bug.


Aurelien Jarno                          GPG: 4096R/1DDD8C9B
aurel...@aurel32.net                 http://www.aurel32.net

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