On 2021-09-16, Frédéric Pierret wrote:
> Le 9/16/21 à 9:34 AM, Holger Levsen a écrit :
>> given that https://debian.notset.fr/rebuild/results/unstable.amd64.html is
> May I add also https://debian.notset.fr/rebuild/results/unstable.all.html for 
> the "all" arch.

Would it be plausible to get a composite view with both amd64+all ?

I'm also noticing a high number of binNMUs as not being reproducible,
even when they're reproducible on tests.r-b.o (e.g. bash, coreutils),
but almost no successfully reproduced binNMUs (only one i found at a
quick look was pcb).

>> really nice already and knowing that I wont have much time in the next two
>> weeks (and really wanting to show real results for Debian now...) it occurred
>> to me that we could point the dns entry for 
>> alpha.tests.reproducible-builds.org
>> to debian.notset.fr and make that server serve those page as
>> https://alpha.tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian and thus show some
>> results NOW.
>> What do you think? Frédéric (running notset.fr) liked the idea.
> Yes I confirm that :)

Also happy to see more exposure of this milestone of rebuilding packages
in the archive! :)

There were earlier attempts from NYU, if I recall, but maybe issues with
snapshot.debian.org interferred with making it reliable over time?

>> And maybe we should use preview.t.r-b.o instead of alpha.t.r-b.o?

Either sounds fine to me...

Or practice.tests.r-b.o ... which sort of has dual meaning in the sense
of "reproducible builds in practice vs. in theory" and also "we're
practicing this new view of reproducible builds"

live well,

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