Package: reprotest
Version: 0.7.16
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

While trying to debug, I found
out that the kernel variation makes ldconfig abort with the following
message: "FATAL: Kernel too old"

This bug can be reproduced using two methods:

The low level:

`setarch --uname-2.6 ldconfig -v`

The high level:

cd /tmp; (mkdir -p test-0.1; cd test-0.1; dh_make -n -s -c mit -y; echo -e 
"override_dh_auto_install:\n\tldconfig --version" >> debian/rules)
sudo reprotest --vary=-all,kernel --auto-build /tmp/test-0.1 -- schroot 

This behavour is partially documented in the manpage under:


The "kernel" variation is currently not working for RPM based packages.
While building with this variation enabled, the tool 
compains about `FATAL: kernel too old` and aborts the build.

However all version of ldconfig (at least since 2017) require a kernel
3.2, not just the RPM ldconfig.

I think the documentation should be updated to warn users about ldconfig
not working in all cases.

Baptiste Beauplat - lyknode

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