Chris Lamb wrote:

> > APKs (Android app files) often contain Linux ELF shared library files, e.g.
> > lib/arm64-v8a/  These are only compared using a binary diff, but 
> > they
> > should use the shared library comparison.  The output looks like:
> It would be great to fix this for you. Could you provide some example
> APK files so I can reproducible what you are currently seeing but also
> confirm that any changes actually solve your problem?

Just wondering if you got this mail? If it helps, I've filed this on
Salsa as well [0] so all our issues are in one place -- it might be
more straightforward to attach files there instead of via email, but
I'm happy to add them there myself.

Best wishes,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'` 🍥

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