Holger Levsen wrote:

> > This is all fine, but issues on salsa diffoscope project are still
> > disabled.
> any objections to me enabling them? :)

Yes and no. :)

As in; I have nothing against moving to salsa (!) if we go that route,
we should just first firmly decide whether the BTS or salsa is the
canonical source of truth. This, I believe, is where we got blocked
last time on this matter.

(eg. one must surely be a strict subset of the other, rather than
having two distinct/overlapping sets of issues, where things get
lost in the cracks etc.)

As I hinted at last time as someone who is taking on the majority of
the heavy-lifting of diffoscope development these days, I humbly feel
like I should at least have some input on the processes and procedures
that I use day-to-day. :)

Best wishes,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      la...@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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