Guillem, josch:

thanks for your feedback, much appreciated.

On Fri, Jun 08, 2018 at 08:38:49AM +0200, Johannes Schauer wrote:
> > I say it's an artificial blocker, because it is based on the problem
> > faced while implementing the srebuild script to use the current
> > snapshot.d.o API. And I think that's your actual blocker. Fixing that
> > API would also mean you can use it right away independently of what's
> > already installed on the system and might be useful for other users
> > too. I think the fix would imply adding an API entry point based on
> > the name-version-arch tuple.
> yes, that would also solve the problem.
as I'm not an sbuild user (yet) myself, I was hesistant to try this
myself, so I'm confused now: does it work as it is now? (or does it need
changes to snapshot.d.o?)

> I unblocked the bug, because it's not a hard blocker but just an 
> inconvenience.


> The bigger blocker of #774415 is, that the script needs somebody who feels
> responsible for it and who is willing to maintain it. I only wrote it but I
> have no intention of being its maintainer.

I'd be happy to maintain it, once I'm a user of it :) (which might
happen quite soon via tests.r-b.o…)


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