Greetings Wrenches, The other day I replaced a client's melted AC board with a refurbished/repaired board from Kris Stone and immediately got an AC In frequency too high warning along with an AC In voltage too high warning. Both warnings with the grid input breaker off. Other than the warnings all other functions appeared to be working normally and I just instructed client to keep an eye on things while I investigate further. This particular site has been utilizing HBX mode successfully for years but about 30 hours after I left the client said the inverter turned off due to hitting the LVD setpoint. HBX mode is still enabled. I've not made a trip back yet since it's a bit far but instructed the client to select "USE" instead of "DROP" but we found that it will not connect to the grid and the AC In LED continues to blink as well as of course the red error light still blinking indicating the "Warning". I'm thinking I just need to order a new board from Zonna but before I do I was just wondering how well other's repaired boards by Kris has worked out for you? I do have one more repaired AC board from him along with other variants but at this point a second failure would be too costly so I'm planning on just eating it and purchasing the new one. Not trying to throw any negativity towards Kris but since this is the first time I've re-installed a repaired board I figured I'd poll others experience. Maybe successful board repairs are hit and miss?
Also to confirm, it makes sense that the inverter did not reconnect to the grid due to it thinking that the grid voltage and frequency are too high? HBX mode just like the other modes does in fact abide by these parameters to sync with the grid correct? It won't pass-through grid power either? I did confirm they are erroneous AC warnings while on site. Thanks for any input, enjoy your weekend, Nick
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