Hey bleeding edgers,

So being alarmed at what I was reading and halfway through purchasing a dual 
stack XW Pro package I emailed Eric Benson with my concerns and pasted your  
four descriptive posts with it  and  my plans to reconsider my choice before 
committing to problems some have had and I dont need. I pointed out the many 
solid installs some have had and that this appears to be a new problem in the 
unit, not the installation or older production runs.

Here is his initial response including reaching out to him if tech help is uh, 

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Eric Bentsen <eric.bent...@se.com>
> Subject: Re: XW Pro problems
> Date: October 13, 2023 at 4:09:44 PM PDT
> To: Wallace Stahle <fut...@pacific.net>
> Hi Wallace,
> It sounds like someone loaded the wrong firmware, or they attempted 
> calibration without reading the guide. We have thousands of successfully 
> installed XW Pro units in single and multi-unit systems. If anyone on 
> wrenches needs assistance and is unable to reach tech support, they can reach 
> out to me directly. Most issues installers face in the field related to loud 
> buzzing are because they don't follow the commissioning guide on the website, 
> which includes upgrading firmware in InsightLocal first, then upgrade XW Pro 
> unit(s), then restore each XW Pro to ALL factory defaults, finally apply 
> region code. These steps are necessary, in the correct order, to have a 
> smooth commissioning experience. 
> Let me know how I can help.
> Eric
> Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G, an AT&T 5G smartphone
> Get Outlook for Android <https://aka.ms/AAb9ysg>
> Internal
> From: Wallace Stahle <fut...@pacific.net>
> Sent: Friday, October 13, 2023 3:12:47 PM
> To: Eric Bentsen <eric.bent...@se.com>
> Subject: XW Pro problems
> [External email: Use caution with links and attachments]
> Hello Eric,
> So I just ordered a pair of MPPT 600/100 controllers and PDP for two 
> inverters ahead of the 2 XW Pros that will go in later and I read some posts 
> from experienced installers and realize I can not proceed with the install 
> given these reports from four Re-Wrenches.  See pasted comments below.
> The customers need for reliable power supply is critical.
> I can not afford the time, trips, on hold phone time and frustration involved 
> with remedies for these problems even if covered under warranty. Tech help 
> generally presumes installer error when problems arise and getting them/you 
> to acknowledge faulty product is an uphill rock rolling experience.
> Your thoughts?
> Wallace Stahle
> Future Electric Energy Co
> PO Box 236
> Willits, CA 95490
> 707-459-0474
> Lic.#C10-762093
> fut...@pacific.net <mailto:fut...@pacific.net>
> Hello Wrenches, 
> Curious if anyone else is dealing with failed Schnieder XW PRO6848’s this 
> year? In recent months I’ve had 2 DOA (one producing 180/360VAC; one charger 
> had this nasty building THD and ugly noise until it tripped out), and 2 fail 
> after few weeks in service. One charger just failed, and another have yet to 
> take the long drive to figure out but it’s gone dark.
> I’ve sold, serviced, and installed 100’s of XW’s starting with Beta 001 and 
> can’t think of any that just failed like of recent. Unplanned return service 
> calls are costly as we all know. Tech support has been wildly inconsistent 
> and presently unresponsive. 
> Thanks,
> Funny you should say that. One that I just installed is acting weird and 
> sounds horrible. Waited an hour on the phone for tech support to no avail. 
> Will be a really long drive back to sort things out. Never had an XW with 
> issues before.
> I have a buddy that has had two different  stacked pairs with issues. 
> It took months of back and forth on the one which they did replace them 
> however one of the inverters sent from Schneider was a euro 230/50hz. Taking 
> another trip and more delay. 
> And same guy, another project with monitoring etc they refused to do anything 
> and the client had the money to just replace them with another brand, and 
> it’s been working fine ever since. 
> Not a good situation 
> I've only installed one and it is an ongoing nightmare.  Almost burned the 
> customers house down with exploding batteries.
> Voltages all set properly but the unit ignored all settings and went up to 67 
> volts while I watched and who knows how high it would have gone if I had not 
> shut the system down. Luckily the owner of the spart time home has been there 
> when it needed to be shut down. 
> A grid tie system that has been off line most of its 10 year life.  First 
> time Schneider tech support said it must be wrong settings.  I had gone over 
> them many times and with another tech with me and there were no incorrect 
> settings.  After more than a year, they admitted that the firmware was bad.  
> Wasted another whole day getting the firmware upgraded and it worked for 
> awhile and then did the same thing.  Worked OK the last two years after 
> replacing the batteries for the second time and then suddenly it started 
> using lots of water and is doing it again.  Not to mention the AGS module not 
> working with the firmware. A New module still has same problem.  All wiring 
> tested. I have seen XW's (not my install) making loud noises and seeming to 
> have issues but I wasn't going to touch them  Told them to get the original 
> installing company to check it out. 
>  I'm about to rip my problem child off the wall and put in a Radian. I've 
> installed dozens with only 2 needing any attention with power supply board 
> and a power module, all quick fixes.

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