Multiple battery banks work well as long as you are consuming.  When
charging the charge parameters change.  I’m running 8 Interstate L16’s, 1
Fortress e-flex, And 3 Simpliphi 3.8. With big switches between them.  I
was using all three but changing charge parameters on
My two controllers and inverter got to be too much trouble.  I ran all with
lithium settings but I’m retiring the L16s and putting in a second eFlex.
 2 eFlex or 3 Simpliphis do a great job replacing the 8.  The 3 simpliphis
will be leaving for their summer home at a fishing club. Hi

John B

On Thu, Apr 6, 2023 at 11:50 AM Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar via RE-wrenches
<> wrote:

> And the next step for hi reliability offgrid is to have both types of
> battery in there own independent inverter power systems. Just switch the DC
> bus from one power system or the other. I like the LFP just turned off
> sitting as a spare power system. You can rotate or do a monthly test like
> it is a genset.
> This is also a good way to use up the old flooded and retire it when it
> becomes useless and ready to recycle. Some LFP manufactures do provide a
> spare BMS but probably better to just have an extra battery at the offgrid
> home.
> *Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
> "we go where powerlines don't"
> <>
> e-mail <>
> text 209 813 0060*
> On 2023-04-05 6:30 pm, Scot Arey via RE-wrenches wrote:
> Just attended the NABCEP conference last week and took in CEU classes from
> Rolls and Midnite on battery charging and design. Just awesome classes and
> I walked away thinking the FLA were kind of like my old 7.3 Powerstroke
> diesel…I could work on them and could see when issues were developing. The
> lithium batteries are kind of like my 6.7 PSD. Great power, fast but when
> something happens with a BMS…no idea except to go to the manufacturer.
> Just wanted to share this after reading your awesome post.
> Scot
> *From:* RE-wrenches <> *On
> Behalf Of *Tump via RE-wrenches
> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 5, 2023 6:24 PM
> *To:* RE-wrenches <>
> *Cc:* Tump <>
> *Subject:* Re: [RE-wrenches] RE-wrenches] replace part of rolls battery
> bank
> I would suggest that adding additional batteries to increase battery
> voltages is fine 48 to 54V or what ever, I too have used this many times on
> very remote sites. Please also increase your inverters hi voltage cut out
> settings, as this can be a real bummer having the system shut down in full
> sun.
> Another thing; IF you have battery strings,  cables of equal length from
> each string should be connected to a buss bar then buss bar to inverter or
> inverters, this will reduce wiring headaches, voltage drop as well as
> providing equal charging to all strings. (depending on internal resistance).
> I would also suggest fewer batteries of bigger cells. My preference is 2
> volt cells, less holes to water, less copper interconnects. Yeah there
> heavy but for hi charging & discharging, a large battery is always my
> choice.  OR the Surrette 6CS25P has been the MOST reliable battery Surrette
> has put out. After almost 30 + years of installing their batteries this one
> has been the best. They do have a EX series 2 Volt cell that has the same
> plate thickness as the 6 CS but I have had issues w/ them. IF you are using
> the EX 2 volt check the polarity PRIOR to installing them & mark the
> positive side. I have had the plastic covers installed incorrectly and it
> plays havoc on your install.
> Yep LEADITE I am, refractometer and a DVOM and I have a client that can
> spot problems way before things become critical. AND that Surrette
> warrantee Pit BULL Mr. Higgins & your client will be very happy when Steve
> OKs a replacement because you have recorded your Spg readings.
> My $.02 TUMP
> On Apr 5, 2023, at 5:26 PM, greg egan via RE-wrenches <
>> wrote:
> Danny, My experience is if you are careful and use *equal length
> conductors* for all 3 strings you can get good results.  The main problem
> I have with 3 strings of 6 V cells @ 48 vdc is leaving the customer with 72
> cells to check and fill.  That's a lot of work if you don't have a watering
> system.
> I totally get why you'd want to give them 2 strings in case they lose a
> battery or 2.  Most of my off grid customers live quite a ways from the
> battery store and it's not uncommon for it to take a month to get
> replacements - during the best of times.
> Another option I've done is give them a string of 25 - 2V cells for a 48V
> system.   You just set the charging parameters accordingly and go.  That
> way if they lose a cell or two, the remaining battery bank should be able
> to keep them limping along until the replacement battery(s) show up.  Need
> to check and *make sure* your charge controller and inverter can charge
> at the slightly higher V but usually that's not a problem.
> Best,
> Greg Egan
> Remote Power Inc.
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2023 20:45:44 +0000
> From: Daniel Young <> <>
> To: "" <> <> 
> <>, RE-wrenches
>   <> <>
> Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] replace part of rolls battery bank
> Message-ID:
> <>
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Thanks all for the advice. I figured it was not worth trying on a different 
> battery brand. I honestly needed to be able to tell them I researched it and 
> asked my peers.
> The client really uses the 3 x strings they have and did not really want to 
> go down to 3. They are currently choosing to get the two Rolls under the 
> prorated warranty, and hopes to get another 2 useful years out of the bank 
> before planning to replace.
> Already prepared him on the cost of the equivalent Li+ at todays prices. So 
> he knows roughly where he is heading.
> Side note: I am in the camp of trying for 2 x strings when possible (agree 
> that 3 x strings is the absolute limit, and not the best option), simply 
> because if a single cell goes bad, I don?t want a client with essentially 
> nothing available until we can get a replacement and get on site. With 2 
> strings, they can make due at least. That?ll go out the window with Lithium 
> though. Looking at Fortress Power for the next battery bank for this client. 
> But we will see what changes in the market by the time it?s needed.
> With Regards,
> --
> Danny Young
> NABCEP PV Installation Professional #031508-90
> Engineering Team Lead
> Solar Energy Solutions
> Lexington | Louisville | Bloomington | Cincinnati | Evansville | Indianapolis
> 513-448-5176 (mobile)
> 877-312-7456 (Main Office)
><> <>
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