The Midnite Classic can go higher to 72v stock, and they have models that can work with 120 vdc batteries.


On 3/15/2022 12:19 PM, larrycrutcher wrote:
Hi William,

A charge controller may not be needed if you are running the pump direct. By designing the PV array so that the Isc is higher than the maximum load demands, and the Voc is less than the maximum operating voltage, you can run PV direct without a controller. Use a high voltage relay (like Gigavac) for switching from the float or pressure switch.

Charging a high voltage chemical battery direct from PV power is conceivable but much harder. If you can’t find a controller, I would opt to use the pumped water as the battery…pump it high, use gravity.

Larry Crutcher
Starlight Solar Power Systems

On Mar 15, 2022, at 9:10 AM, William Miller <> wrote:


Thanks for the info. I have been in contact with Sun Pumps. They can sell me a pump that will work off of a high voltage battery bank (greater than 90 VDC and likely much higher). However they cannot provide or recommend a charge controller to output PV charge at the higher voltage. Do you or any wrench know of a high voltage charge controller on the market?

Thanks in advance.


On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 8:29 AM Windy Dankoff <> wrote:

    Dear William,

    SunPumps has a new helical rotor submersible series (positive
    displacement) that is typically much more efficient for high lift
    compared to a normal multi-stage centrifugal sub (you'll have to
    compare the specs).

    I have no inside-knowledge of this item, but it's based on good
    technology similar to Lorentz and Grundfos and SunPumps is on the
    same level as a world leader.

    With any DC pump, you need to be sure it's compatible with battery
    power if you need 24/7.

    I hope you'll let us know how it goes.


    *From:*William Miller <>
    *Subject:**[RE-wrenches] 24/7 wATER pUMPING*
    *Date:*March 8, 2022 at 7:53:37 AM MST
    *To:*RE-wrenches <>


    I have a client that wishes to pump water at about 10 GPM from
    spring through autumn equinoxes.   Lift is 300 feet.  (This is
    the project that will not siphon beyond 33 feet.)

    I can design a solar/battery/inverter system for this purpose but
    I am wondering if there is a direct DC option.  I am going to
    look at the Grundfos SQ-Flex tables to see if this is an option.

    Does anyone out there have any advice on best approach to this

    Thanks in advance,

    William Miller

    Miller Solar
    17395 Oak Road, Atascadero, CA 93422
    805-438-5600 <>
    CA Lic. 773985

    *From:*Jerry Shafer <>
    *Subject:**Re: [RE-wrenches] 24/7 wATER pUMPING*
    *Date:*March 8, 2022 at 8:58:16 AM MST
    *To:*William Miller <>, RE-wrenches

    Here is the deal it will be simplest to go AC for the pump
    because of the requirement of high voltage DC yes there are small
    er output DC pumps but that is not what you need, first find a AC
    pump that can do the required 10 GPM at 300 feet of head then
    design a inverter to fit that bill PV to recharge that usage and
    then some. look at the first and last day of the desired water
    demand and go the shorted day as a production base line. When
    looking at pumps grundfus is very efficient in DC and wild AC but
    at a cost so look at options output vs input. I have done this
    with Grundus and DC direct to a 50K storage tank at the very top
    of the property so it can be done with DC so AC just requires
    additional nighttime.
    Here might be an option large enough storage tank to fill every
    night and a pump big enough to drain it every day, this can be
    done DC direct, cheaper and less moving parts and the pump can
    run on a genny if you have bad weather for days, This is how the
    ones I have done work.

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