HI All,

The cover never got all the way off before it was blown off, it was just 
started to be opened, so no way there was an external ignition source.  If it 
was an explosion it was all from internal components except for possibly some 
O2 coming from the outside.

My other question still hasn’t been answered.  
If the BMS isn’t taking care of over/under voltage and over current what is it 
doing to prevent damage to the battery?
( this system was within the input PV or output inverter watts/amps of the 
battery specifications) And I just found out that on the day of failure, no one 
has been living there for months and only a grundfos SQFlex and a few lights 
were on, no big loads. 

Now maybe I’ve been under the false understanding that this is the primary job 
of the BMS? 
Yes I know that there is also cell balancing, % monitoring, blue tooth, wifi 
etc that can be included in the BMS but to me thats all secondary.

Hopefully someone can clear this up for me.


> On Jun 17, 2021, at 9:01 AM, Steve Higgins <st...@surrette.com> wrote:
> I have to agree... the gasses that come out of these cells can still be 
> flammable...  My guess is the settings were too high, or a cell or two were 
> already in thermal runaway,  causing internal gassing.  When the cover was 
> pulled off that gas found an Ignition source and ignited.  
> Inverter and charge controllers all have relays in them and every time they 
> switch you can ignite flammable gasses if the concentration is enough. 
> This is why it's always very important to make sure the room that any battery 
> is installed in is properly ventilated, especially when you are working in 
> said room. 
>  <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> 
> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> 
> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> 
> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> 
> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> 
> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> 
> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> 
> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/> <http://www.rollsbattery.com/>Steve Higgins ⋅ 
> Technical Services Manager
> t +1.902.597.4020  m +1.206.790.5840
> f +1.902.597.8447  e st...@surrette.com <mailto:st...@surrette.com>
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> On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 7:01 AM Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar 
> <offgridso...@sti.net <mailto:offgridso...@sti.net>> wrote:
> My .02 on this, and just a guess, the open loop charging parameters were not 
> set right or charge limits for the battery were too high. The other way to 
> kill LFP is large loads exceeding the battery max discharge current.
> Closing the loop eliminates just about all of those issues. It brings the 
> battery into the safety area of LA batteries that are still hard to beat 
> offgrid. I am not saying you can't blow the top off a LA battery 
> either<smiley-wink.gif>
> Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
> "we go where powerlines don't"
> http://members.sti.net/offgridsolar/ <http://members.sti.net/offgridsolar/>
> e-mail  offgridso...@sti.net <mailto:offgridso...@sti.net>
> text 209 813 0060
> On Thu, 17 Jun 2021 07:23:07 -0400, John Blittersdorf 
> <john.blittersd...@gmail.com <mailto:john.blittersd...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> This just proves the weak link is the BMS.
>> I had the honor of replacing the BMS in that exact model in a stack of 3 
>> batteries.  Luckily it was on the bottom shelf so I could pull the monster 
>> out onto the floor to get access to the lid.  The lid is sealed shut but 
>> with persistence it opened.  I was working with their tech support and 
>> following their instructions.  I disconnected it from the other two that 
>> were in a parallel configuration before opening.  Battery voltage was zero 
>> at the terminals. I did voltage checks at various checkpoints to confirm it 
>> was the BMS at fault. Relion sent a new BMS which I carefully installed and 
>> it has worked fine since.  Had I seen this photo first, I may have not been 
>> so eager to see the inside of that battery.  
>> John Blittersdorf
>> On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 6:13 PM Chris Worcester <ch...@solarwindworks.com 
>> <mailto:ch...@solarwindworks.com>> wrote:
>> https://www.redwoodmaterials.com/recyclewithus 
>> <https://www.redwoodmaterials.com/recyclewithus> 
>> these folks are seriously getting into recycling lithium batteries, setting 
>> up house out by the Tesla giga factory out east of Reno. 
>> Chris Worcester 
>> ch...@solarwindworks.com <mailto:ch...@solarwindworks.com>
>> 530-448-9692
>> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy s9.
>> -------- Original message --------
>> From: jay <jay.pe...@gmail.com <mailto:jay.pe...@gmail.com>>
>> Date: 6/16/21 12:49 PM (GMT-08:00)
>> To: Jeff Clearwater <je...@villagelab.net <mailto:je...@villagelab.net>>, 
>> Jeff Clearwater <je...@villagepowerdesign.com 
>> <mailto:je...@villagepowerdesign.com>>, RE-wrenches 
>> <re-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org 
>> <mailto:re-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org>>
>> Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Exploding LFP battery
>> Hi Jeff,
>> I don't know if you saw the photo.  No cutting involved.
>> The top is removed with roughly 14 fasteners.  
>> No tools or prying was involved in the removal of the top cover.
>> jay
>>> On Jun 16, 2021, at 12:00 AM, Jeff Clearwater <je...@villagepowerdesign.com 
>>> <mailto:je...@villagepowerdesign.com>> wrote:
>>> Hey Jay,
>>> So I don't believe ReLion batteries are openable - so it's most likely that 
>>> when he decided to open it he cut into it and shorted the leads.
>>> As for recycling - first is health safety!  I'd suggest he contact the 
>>> manufacturer and get specific instructions for safing the mess.  Will 
>>> Prowess of DIY Solar Youtube channel had some leaky cells and the 
>>> manufacturer sent specific instructions to contain and ship back the unit.  
>>> You could contact him and he might know but the manufacturer might know 
>>> better for that specific model.
>>> Hope that helps!
>>> Jeff C.
>>> Village Power Design
>>> frenergy <mailto:frene...@psln.com>   June 15, 2021 at 9:39 PM
>>> Very few details...What does it mean "he opened it up"  I would even know 
>>> how to do that with the L-ions I've been around, seems like its something a 
>>> manufacturer should be doing.  Temperature?  charge rate? recent usage 
>>> history? Age? Was it disconnected? Did contacts touch a conductor?........
>>>             You can probably get water to explode if you abuse it just 
>>> right.
>>> Bill
>>> Feather River Solar Electric  
>>> Bill Battagin, Owner
>>> 4291 Nelson St. 
>>> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/4291+Nelson+St.+Taylorsville,+CA+95983?entry=gmail&source=g>
>>> Taylorsville, CA 95983 
>>> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/4291+Nelson+St.+Taylorsville,+CA+95983?entry=gmail&source=g>
>>> 530.284.7849
>>> CA Lic 874049
>>> www.frenergy.net <http://www.frenergy.net/>
>>> On 6/15/2021 8:14 PM, Jay wrote:
>>> -- 
>>>  <https://www.avast.com/antivirus>  
>>> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. 
>>> www.avast.com <https://www.avast.com/antivirus>
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>>> Jay <mailto:jay.pe...@gmail.com>   June 15, 2021 at 8:14 PM
>>> A fellow installer sent me this just now. 
>>> The battery wasn't working, 5v. 
>>> He opened it up and it exploded when he opened it. The lid hit the roof. 
>>> Fortunately no one was injured. 
>>> Anyone know what to do with this? IE recycling?
>>> And just another example of non explosive lithium batteries exploding
>>> Jay
>>> Peltz power. 
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