Some housekeeping. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me off list.
First, the Wrench list bios may be offline for awhile today. Our host is forcing us into a major PHP upgrade that soon won't work with our application. So I hired Sharkey to work on that for us, and the new version is almost complete. Next, I know we have many rules and admin suggestions on this list, but they are designed to keep the list as professional and useful as possible to as many members as possible. So please note the following: 1. If you wish your list message to be seen by someone outside of our wrenches group, it is almost always best to Bcc: them. That way any member using Reply-to-All on the list won't continue sending messages to that person. 2. It is almost always best to use "Reply" for your Wrench list replies. "Reply-to-All" will usually send messages to the list AND send a second copies to the Wrench member(s) you are replying to AND send a copy to anyone else who was cc'd in the previous message. Really, we only need one copy. 3a. It is best to include graphics or photo files as *attachments* to a message, rather than embedding the graphic in the body of your message. That will cut down on the number of duplicate graphics files sent to members. 3b. If you are replying to messages with embedded graphics or included files, please edit them out of your reply. We don't need multiple copies of the same graphics sent to hundreds of members. For example, someone might embed 3 photos in their message to the list. Then if there were 5 responses done without editing out the photos. This would result in 18 photos sent to each of us, 15 of which are duplicates, when the original 3 was enough. 4. Remember, the message size is limited to 2 MB (includes all graphics and all text), so that members with slow connections or plans with limited data aren't overwhelmed. Anything larger will be rejected. _______________________________________________ List sponsored by Redwood Alliance List Address: Change listserver email address & settings: There are two list archives for searching. When one doesn't work, try the other: List rules & etiquette: Check out or update participant bios: