Probably preaching to the choir here and I’m sure not gonna argue with Surrette

But the purpose of equalization is to stir up the electrolyte so you have the 
same strength from the top to the bottom

Some of the older industrial cells had a tube where you could sample it all the 
way down to the bottom and the top to see what the difference was
I have seen them but I’ve never used them in our industry, but it was an 
interesting thought !

I have heard of batteries where they have taken them apart and had the lower 
portion of the cells considerably more wore than the upper portion, presumably 
from the electrolyte being stronger and never having been stirred up by a good 

It seems that came from a class at Trojan many years ago but I could be wrong

Just my two cents worth and worth everything that you paid for it !

Bob Ellison

> On Feb 9, 2021, at 10:35 AM, Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar 
> <> wrote:
> That does not sound  best to me. I get the point but there are much better
> ways. Not good for you to be close around a bank in EQ. If you are checking
> water level every month the level should not be really low. You do this in
> case you miss a cell a month back! You should be counting as the water goes
> in to see if you have put about the same amount in. I have never noticed
> any advantage to mixing the cells after watering. They will get mixed the
> next day. If this concerned you, you could run a 30 minute absorb after
> watering.
> I like to EQ before watering so my customer does not over fill and start
> the corrosion process. Just open all of the cells and look before they EQ.
> I also like to mark 2 of the lower SG cells and 2 of the good ones. This
> makes it easier for my clients to check the bank. Once every summer or 2
> they need to look at all of the cells. Summer is best because it is the
> time when you can do long corrective EQ's if you find trouble.
> Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
> "we go where powerlines don't"
> e-mail
> text 209 813 0060
> On Tue, 9 Feb 2021 05:36:39 -0800, Mark Frye <>
> wrote:
>> My Rolls manual says:
>> "It is recommended to water the battery cells half way through the 
>> equalization. This is to
>> assure the water is completely mixed into the electrolyte."
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