Quite frankly and with due respect about the comment about
more PV and battery to forego the need for a generator, I disagree.
Those folks living off-grid in the sticks (um,er, myself included), it
would be a very bad thing not to have Gen input. The current situation
here in Plumas county (and many other counties right now) is another
perfect example. It is so smokey that my daily KWhrs has been cut in
half and of course every other off-grid home is having the same issue.
This has been going on for almost a month with only occasional breaks.
There are also CC failures, FET board craps out, other excrement occurs.
We all know there are many critical needs for power
especially to run a pump for fire protection, frig for food,
communication to know what the hell may coming your way during some
event (fire, flood, bad weather) medical needs, etc. In the winter
there are at least a few times when there is little or no sun for 1
maybe 2 weeks...that gets to be a spendy array and battery. Certainly,
the idea of going that route works for some scenarios but not off-grid.
Generators are still a much needed necessary evil. Maybe its a big deal
to incorporate that feature in an inverter?? Sounds like bean counting.
My $.02 worth
Feather River Solar Electric
Bill Battagin, Owner
4291 Nelson St.
Taylorsville, CA 95983
CA Lic 874049
On 9/11/2020 1:01 PM, August Goers wrote:
In CA the market for ESS is primarily grid tied support features
driven by SGIP + backup (public safety power shutoffs, folks who live
in less stable grid areas, folks worried about natural disasters) so
the ESS is designed to replace generators. This might be a little
trickier for areas that need air conditioning during a grid outage (or
for all electric homes), but one tactic is just to go bigger with the
ESS and PV system. I guess what I'm saying is that the value
proposition might already be getting better just to skip the generator
and go bigger with the storage. Even Generac might be going that route.
On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 11:52 AM Jason Szumlanski
<>> wrote:
We are seeing tons of companies in Florida offering Generac/Pika
now. They didn't do it when it was Pika, so why would they now
that it has an orange label? Crazy.
No generator input makes zero sense and even less sense for a
generator manufacturer.
On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 12:58 PM Chris Schaefer
< <>> wrote:
Pika was bought out by Generac and rebranded as their PWR
cell. Most of the old crew from Pika are now working for
Generac. It's beyond me that Generac bought them and yet they
still don't have a generator input. That's why I could never
sign on to the Pika product line. Good luck.
On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 11:00 AM Jeremy Rodriguez
< <>> wrote:
If anyone has any info on how to get a hold of The former
PIKA ENERGY support group, please contact me off list.
Or if anyone knows where one could get one of their
inverters rebuilt/repaired let me know.
Jeremy Rodriguez
Solar Installation / Design Expert
All Solar, Inc.
1463 M St
Penrose Colorado 81240
Sent by Jeremy's iPhone. Sorry for typos and shorthand.
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