 Thanks for the reality check on Kohilo.  I just tried to get info from
them asking for a power curve.  No response.  If a wind turbine
manufacturer can't provide even a rudimentary power curve chart, then it
doesn't work.  I made one for my first homemade wind turbine simply by
watching the anemometer and wattage at different windspeeds for awhile and
writing down the numbers I was seeing and then draw the graph. Wind always
cooperates and gives constantly changing speeds.


On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 9:35 AM Chris Schaefer <>

> RUN from the room when it comes to the Kohilo! This ole boy is in my
> backyard and I'm currently trying to clean up one of their projects. They
> kinda went the way of Wind Tamer, whereas they had to add solar to meet
> their output claims.
> Christopher
> On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 9:06 AM <> wrote:
>> Morning fellow wrenchers. There is a newer Wind turbine company based in
>> the North East called Kohilo Wind. Link below
>> thx
>> peter Giroux
>> *From:* RE-wrenches <> *On
>> Behalf Of *Roy Butler
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 8, 2020 8:33 AM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [RE-wrenches] Wind Turbine
>> Ron and John and all,
>> SD Wind Energy out of Texas is representing what was the Proven/Kingspan
>> down wind turbines. They have a 3 and 6kW turbine now but I heard through
>> the grapevine that they may have a 1kW in the near future. Price is a bit
>> high but they are solid machines.
>> Other folks have been using the Braun turbine out of Germany but that's
>> really spendy.
>> The Whisper line was good, then Southwest Wind Power bought it, they went
>> under, a company from India bought it, then it went to Japan
>> and last I heard it's now owned by a Chinese company.....buyer beware!
>> Although there are a couple of small turbine manufacturer's in the US
>> making 1kW to 2kW machines, I am assuming you want something reliable so
>> you may want to steer clear of those. I won't name names here. And of
>> course there are all those tempting units for sale on Amazon and
>> screaming from the room on those.
>> Slim pickings out there, the small wind industry began a rapid decline
>> back around 2012 when the PV prices started dropping. Most of us wind
>> weanies
>> moved to solar installations to help support our wind habit and decreased
>> wind sales put many turbine manufacturers out of business.
>> Anyway, best of luck on your search and if you find something and care to
>> run it by me off list please do so!
>> Roy Butler
>> Four Winds Renewable Energy, LLC
>> 8902 Route 46, Arkport, NY 14807
>> 607-324-9747
>> Although no trees were killed in the sending of this message,
>> a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
>> On 7/8/2020 6:55 AM, John Blittersdorf wrote:
>> Ron,  I installed a lot of the Bergey XL.1 until they stopped production.
>>   I just replaced blades on one last week and my first install of one of
>> the first ones manufactured in 2001 is still working fine.  We took in down
>> about 10 years ago for preventive maintenance and replaced the brushes and
>> blades though both were still in good shape.  Most problems have been
>> blades, brushes and a few tower failures mostly due to customer neglect or
>> violent storms.  I installed a Pika
>> 1.6 kw at my home about 4 years ago and fell in love with that machine.
>> Pika solved the Blade root attachment weakness found on the Bergey as well
>> as sound issues and performance.  Unfortunately they stopped production due
>> to low sales.  I ran mine for a year and a half and almost eliminated my
>> generator in a low wind speed site but att he same time saw it perform
>> flawlessly in high winds putting out well over 2500 watts and regulating my
>> batteries at float with no dump loads needed.  I got my first order for one
>> and called Pika to order one but they had already stopped production and
>> were not going to make any more.  I had sold a customer a complete upgrade
>> of his system which included upgrading from a Xantrex SW Plus to dual
>> Outback inverters, going from 24v to 48v, and directly replacing his Bergey
>> with a Pika, and new Aquion batteries.  Sine we had already done the rest
>> of the system, I ended up selling mine to him to keep him happy.  I dearly
>> miss that machine.  Since Pika sold out to Generac, I’m hanging on a
>> glimmer of hope that the turbine production could be resurrected.
>> Otherwise, the only new turbine I have installed is a 1 kw SuperWind,
>> made in Germany.  It is on a 40’ tilt up guyed tower on a mountaintop
>> transmitter site.  It has performed as expected with the only problem being
>> susceptible to icing and the blade hub freezing to the nacelle.  It is all
>> white so the sun can’t help defrost it.  Very nice workmanship but it also
>> has a controller and dump load In addition to pitching blades.   Similar
>> cost as the Pika.    I don’t have any data on how much the dump load has
>> interacted with the controller.  This is a high wind site.  I’m not sure
>> how it would perform in low winds.  We put it up in November and it
>> survived the winter.  If you could find a used Pika, that would be my
>> choice but I haven’t found one yet myself.  Let me know If you find
>> anything else.
>> Wind Wrenches out there. ... respond !
>> John Blittersdorf
>> CV Wind Service
>> 802-770-8625
>> On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 4:08 AM Ron Young <>
>> wrote:
>> Looking for recommendations on a wind turbine from the Wrenches.
>> Wondering what people are liking out there right now. I know it’s a pretty
>> skinny market and lots of junk but my client would like to replace an aging
>> model that he has in a low to moderate wind area, not spend too much money
>> but spend enough to get reliable. Ideally around 1kW but smaller is ok.
>> Ron
>> earthRight Products -
>> Alternative Energy Solutions ~ Renewable Energy Products
>> 1-877-925-2929
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